Cat and I hiked around while Andrew slept in the car and Kev hung out with him.
We found a little shallow spot for wading. We saw tons of swimmers, but figured a little dip was perfect since we didn't bring swimming clothes.
Imagine our surprise when we returned to the beach and discovered one very wet boy! Originally Kev was just letting Andrew play on the sand, but Andrew was very determined to go in the water and couldn't be dissuaded.
Look at that insanely large behind! Andrew thought it would be fun to take half of Walden Pond home with him in his diaper.
Don't you love our family photo with our white trash baby showing his bum crack :)
It was tough to wrangle the little guy out of the water.
He had so much fun splashing us and getting wet.
And then Andrew had to take a moment and do some personal reflection on the beauty of Walden Pond and how it inspires people to be more aware and respectful of the environment... while also considering a career in plumbing.
That one family photo definitely has to be your Xmas card this year!!
Funny, Kristina! I have learned way too many times that kids can't just "play in the sand." It never EVER works!!! Water is just too fun.
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