Andrew and I decided to go down this super cool slide together.
Unfortunately his leg got caught between me and the side of the slide on the way down. It got bent in an uncomfortable way and little man got hurt :( He is tough, so he didn't cry for long, but he couldn't bear weight on his leg either.
We spent the evening at Urgent Care. He is such a good sport. We chilled in the waiting room for about an hour and then in an exam room for 2 more hours... with a trip to get x-rays somewhere in there. In the x-ray room there was a lot of yelling and crying. It was a sad sight!
Fortunately we brought 3 hours worth of DVDs, a new rental (Bolt), bubbles, toys, and lots of snacks and treats... so we were pretty patient. Little guy was such a good sport. He also got 3 lollipops and fish crackers from the nurse because she thought he was so cute.
He didn't cry when the doctor examined him, but threw a massive temper tantrum after he got this awesome contraption strapped to his leg. It was also way past his bedtime by this point too.
Fortunately we still got to wait for another 45 minutes... so we were able to snap him back into his good mood.
He still keeps trying to stand up and walk... but he's starting to realize that that is impossible. I am hoping that he gets feeling better quick and doesn't have a tibia fracture like the doctor suspects (unseen in an x-ray bc it is too small to detect? we'll see). Please keep him in your prayers! We'll have an ortho appointment on Monday to see if they can figure out what is wrong.
OH NO! Poor little guy. You'd think the doctors could try speeding up the process for such a little sport. Good thing you were prepared with toys and videos! Give him a hug from the Ds!
Eek! That happened to my friend's daughter in Utah, and it was broken. :( Hopefully Andrew's isn't.
Oh no!!!! Little Andrew's leg! I hope it heals super fast. I hate injuries!!
We are currently at the ER with George who smacked his head at church. We are being held for observation for 4 hours!!
Andrew is in our prayers!!
poor Andrew! I hope it's as mild as can be so he can keep playing!
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