After keeping up a psychotic pace all year long, my new goal is to move as little during the course of the day as humanly possible. Although my recovery is going well and Caitlin's delivery was pretty easy, I still feel like I was hit by a mack truck.
My mom and Elise helped me out by joining me for a lazy Sunday morning on the couch eating chocolate and chatting... while cuddling with Caitlin.
This afternoon we got a visit by a home health nurse. Caitlin passed her check up with flying colors and we learned that she's back up from 7lbs 6 oz... and now weighs 7lbs 10 oz... so she's not starving at our house... and neither are we! Some friends brought the most amazing dinner by tonight- cheese manicotti, insanely delicious rolls, and Its Its ice cream sandwiches. Mmm! I am definitely not going to start trying to lose the baby weight this week :)
This evening Caitlin, Andrew, and I sat around and watched Christmas movies while Kevin went to choir practice at church. We survived being alone and Andrew and I (mostly sneaky Andrew) polished off my last bag of Cadbury Christmas balls. :( Good thing we're going to Target tomorrow!
Later on we watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. The highlight of the night was when Andrew was throwing a tantrum about wanting more ice cream and Caitlin was screaming like a crazy cat for no reason (or so I thought... she'd had a big explosion) and I just started laughing hysterically.
Fortunately Grandma saved the day again... without realizing it (Grandma- you left your reading glasses here :)). Andrew loved modeling them for us... and using them to "find" random things around the house.
Caitlin finally chilled out for a little bit and snuggled with daddy (she's still sad that all our visitors left... she started crying the second they walked out the door this morning).

We ended the night with an entertaining video chat with Scott & Tito. Caitlin showed off her strong lungs for them and Andrew practically destroyed the family room while we attempted to have a quick conversation.
I was pretty excited for bedtime (for the toddler)... but then he started acting all cute with his little sister. These two are going to make an adorable team as they grow up. I am so glad that I get to hang around and watch them!

She's precious! Welcome to the chaotic world of multiple kids. :)
Caitlin is absolutely beautiful! I love the hair. We missed you tonight at the cookie exchange--knowing your obsession with sugar and chocolate, I kind of expected you to show up!
I will have to make it over to you, and we can exchange babies for snuggling! :)
That last picture is so my favorite!! Andrew and Caitlin are going to be best buds.
I'm so glad that you decided to slow down a little. It makes me feel better about not being any where near as productive as you!!
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