
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saying Goodbye

One of the best things about technology these days is that you never really have to "say goodbye" to people. It is so much easier to stay connected and keep in touch. I love it! Despite that, sometimes the hardest things to "say goodbye" to are stages in life, special moments, or perfect situations. This week I said goodbye to my special little people and the extraordinary staff that I have worked with for the past six years. I have felt so blessed to learn from such incredible people who are true advocates for children with disabilities and who work hard every day so that they can become kinder, more patient, and more positive! I have felt so fortunate to have a job that I truly love and that I am passionate about. Not everyone gets that opportunity. Here are a few pictures from our final celebrations this week:

(with Yvette- she's been an aide in my classroom since my first day, 6 years ago)

2007-2008 Room 19 Staff
(Left to right: John B, Yvette, me, Simeon, Ashley)

Staff photo including my long-term sub, Tina

(with Naomi- our fabulous speech therapist)

(with Priya- she taught next door to me this year and I learned so many great things
from her and LOVED having a friend so close by to chat with! It made work so much fun!)

Helen Keller once said, "I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker." Although some of the successes over the years with my kids have been small and unnoticeable to others, every day that my staff showed up and gave each kid a "tiny push" towards learning something new, their contribution mattered. I have been honored to work with such humble and hard-working people!

1 comment:

Melanie Love said...

It may not seem like much somedays to other people, but let me tell you from a parent's perspective. I never realized how hard teachers worked with these little kids. Bryce has just finished his first year in the preschool. His teacher, aid, speech therapist, occupational therapist were amazing. They love him so much, and I can tell you from personal experience that these little improvements may go unnoticed by some, but the parent of a child in need feels that they are great strides. Thank you so much for what you do for those little kids.