Favorite Phrases:
- "I want...(to go to the park, eat ice cream, have a popsicle, etc. ) right NOW!" (with a little semi-whine in his voice that cracks me up. Makes him sound like a whiny teenager)
- "We saw the snails at the park today, member?" (he tacks, "member" or "remember" onto every statement... which is funny because he is totally copying what I do).
- "I want my daddy" (when I want him to do something he doesn't want to do... or when I won't let him do something he wants to do)
- "I want to turn it up LOUDER!" (music, TV, etc.). He likes it at full volume. Maybe he's going deaf from all the drumming? :)
- "I want to do it myself!" (typical 2 year old!)
Favorite Activities:
Drumming and singing (usually together and at very loud levels)
Looking for snails
Carrying snail shells around
Looking for spiders and spider webs
Making snails and insects out of playdough
Drawing and coloring pictures of snails
(see some trends?)
Playing with friends!!
Playing in the backyard by himself (perfect when the weather is hot and it kills me to go outside and sit in the sweltering heat)
Favorite Show:
(not really into TV these days, even though I try and make him watch it sometimes when I need a break :))
Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends is the current winner. It has snails and spiders in it.
Also likes Wonder Pets
Favorite Foods:
Hot dog buns with ketchup (he could care less if an actual hot dog is involved)
Ice cream (vanilla and mint chip) and popsicles- it has been a hot summer
Bowtie pasta with marinara sauce
Graham crackers
Anything chocolatey! (though he doesn't like peanut butter w/ chocolate anymore)
Favorite Place:
The "little park" by our house. We go there two times a day lately. There are snails hiding in a big bush. We spend our time looking for them and then talking about them... and occasionally playing on the play structure.
(I am too lazy to do fun adventures lately... fortunately he likes repetition and this park is on our daily running route)
Favorite Songs:
I Saw Her Standing There (Beatles)
Please Please Me (Beatles)
Mahna Mahna (Cake)
I Want You Back (Jackson 5)
Love Me Do (Beatles)
New Tricks
- Taught himself to do a somersault with amazingly good form
- Shampooing and rinsing his own hair
- Putting on his own shoes (they are just crocs, but this is still an accomplishment)
- Staying in the pew during church almost every week and not having to be taken out of Sacrament Meeting (1 hr 15 min meeting at church)
He is now on his 3rd betta fish. 1st one (Orange Juice) survived an hour or two, 2nd one (Crayons) survived a few months, and we just got the 3rd one. So far the contending names are "Three" and "Doggy." I'm not excited about either of them.
Silly Things He likes
- Sleeping with practically every toy he owns (except for items that can be used as drumsticks, which are banned)
- Getting tucked in with four blankets on top.
- Sleeping and playing with his Bitty Baby he calls Caitlin... he loves to help Caitlin drum with her hands on drums... and sometimes likes to use her head as a drumstick
- Bringing basically every toy in our house in the car with us... including 2 guitars and several drums and xylophones. He yells his song selections from the back seat and then plays his instruments along with the music.
- Sandwich kisses at nighttime (I kiss one cheek at the same time Kevin kisses his other cheek)
Favorite Books
The Littlest Pumpkin by R.A. Herman
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems
Things He Likes to Help With (or do himself)
- Wash his own face and hands (he can be a little OCD, so if you show him the mirror and his face, he does a pretty good job)
- Load and unload washer/dryer and press all the buttons
- Open all the doors in our house (freaks me out that he can unbolt the front door now and back sliding glass patio door. I will be buying some new deadbolts soon).
- Put his own clothes away into his drawers when we put laundry away
- Reach all the lights and turn them on and off.
- Open the fridge and reach the water dispenser (fortunately we have a child lock!)
Height: 3 ft
Weight: 31 lbs
Bedtime: between 7:30 and 8pm
Wake Up Time: between 7:30 and 8 am
Naps: Still takes 1.5- 2 hr nap almost every day... which means I do too several days a week!
Clothing Size: Can still wear some 24 month old clothes, but mostly 2T and 3T. Some 2T and 3T pants fall off though... I need to get him a belt!!
Favorite Restaurants
- Fuddruckers (french fries with any sort of dip)
- McDonalds (hot cakes and hamburger Happy Meals)
Upcoming projects/activities
- Maybe potty training? Can't decide. He tries to be potty-trained sometimes, and then sometimes hates it. We spend A LOT of time in the bathroom... usually when we need to leave to go somewhere.
- Moving to a big boy twin bed by the end of the month
- Attempting to take him camping (hopefully some of us sleep)
I love this little guy! He gives the best hugs and kisses and loves to cuddle. He also LOVES to hug and kiss my belly and talk to (and about) Baby Caitlin. I am fascinated to see how he does sharing the spotlight with his little sis. I have a feeling we're in for a BIG adjustment in a few months!
haha, Jocelyn still pulls the "I want daddy" when I get her in trouble or doesn't want to do something I tell her.
So good running into you at the park!
Love it! So great to hear all the details of little Andrew. What a cutie.
What a list! And he's only 2.5!
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