I am buying a few new things (or slightly new things) for the baby and would love to hear what you have/love... and what you don't like and why... if you have an opinion.

I feel out of the loop with what is fun and new... which is probably good because I don't want to spend very much money on new stuff... and I don't really necessarily care what is trendy... but I do need to make some decisions and buy some stuff, and I have no idea what to get!
Last time around we borrowed a lot of stuff... and now we don't have it any more. We used this baby bathtub from a friend. I'm thinking of getting the same one? Any other favorites? We have some sort of big ducky tub we never used last time around, but that won't work til she is 6 months old.

Andrew destroyed our last tummy time mat. :( He was a little too active and aggressive with the pull down bars. I want a new one because I know how much Andrew spit up and did other things on ours... so I don't want a used one from Craigslist. Has anyone bought any good ones? I'm thinking I'm ready to listen to some different music, so would love to avoid this Rainforest brand.

We didn't get a video monitor last time... or any monitor at all. We lived in under 900 sq. ft. and tried our hardest NOT to hear Andrew for the first 12 months. I want one now just so I can have the visual and be able to see what the baby is doing if I am downstairs. I have tried doing research on brands and I still have no idea. I don't want to spend tons, but I want one that works well... and preferably doesn't pick up signals from my neighbor's monitors! Any suggestions?

I am still torn on whether or not I want a gently used baby swing or bouncer. We have this
Fisher Price Newborn/Toddler Rocker which Andrew used for forever... and we have this
Rainforest travel swing which I also loved. We borrowed one of those papasan cradle sort of swings for the first 3 months last time... but I'm thinking of just waiting til the baby comes to decide if we even need one... but I don't know.
Can you tell I am feeling like time is flying? Those of you who know me well would love the organizational spreadsheets I have been creating lately with time lines of when I need to get things done. :)
Fortunately, if the baby decided to come tomorrow all I would really need is some newborn diapers and the baby would survive just fine.
Any other favorite baby items I should know about that you have loved? I'm not opposed to adding a few new things to my list.
I can't weigh in on much, but the baby monitor is a MUST! I had a friend how just got one off of craigslist. I don't know the brand we used to have. I actually think I found mine on ebay.
Good luck!
for video monitors i like the Summer brand. from what I have heard they have great customer service if you aren't satisfied. ours has never had a problem. we have a video one and since we got ours they have made tons of improvements so they're even better.
the nice thing about getting a swing (or maybe a bouncer would work for this too) is if andrew's running around being crazy or you have other crazy kids over you can still set your baby down and not worry they're going to get trampled. i think the papasan is the one i was going to get before someone gave me one for free.
good luck!
Have you seen the Puj baby tubs yet? (http://www.pujbaby.com/) I TOTALLY want one and don't have a baby to use it. Invented/made by Jared's sister's sister-in-law.
Neither of my kids liked the swing (actually O liked it once I had C and was way too big for it) - so I'd vote for borrowing to see if your little princess likes it.
We used the Fisher Price whale tub. It's pretty cute. Fit over the kitchen sink in the beginning and was easy to use in the bathtub later on.
Caraline lived in her FP lamb cradle/swing. It switched directions from side to side or back to front. The material was so soft and cozy. I couldn't have lived without it and can't wait to set it up for #2.
Our video monitor was a freebie hand-me-down from a coworker. It's Summer brand and works really well. We've never had any bad reception and the pictures is very clear of Caraline sleeping.
Good luck!
I agree with the swing comment by jenny that they are GREAT for protecting the small baby from an older sibling. We use ours multiple times a day.
Also, I've had many friends here use the puj tub and they love it!
I'm so excited for you!
I have that blue tub you pictured and love it, but I haven't gotten it out yet bc I've been using the Puj. It's really convenient bc you can bathe the baby in the bathroom sink it it while Andrew's in the tub, then it hangs on a hook on the bathroom door instead of always being in the way like the big plastic bathtubs--BUT it hardly holds any water so I don't think I'll be using it very long. I'd totally give you mine but kaari has claimed it. I find velcro swaddlers for night indispensable, same with a good bouncer. I still don't use a monitor but you will totally want one in your new house. Really, it seems like there isn't all that much you really need. Spend the money on yourself! :)
i use a bath sling (summer comfort), Lindsey Kearl recommended it and I have loved it. It goes in and out of the tub, dries rather quickly and can fold up. She is also 6 months and can still use it! I have also loved my Ergo - I know they are on the trendy side but I Iug her around so often it is all about the comfort! She outgrew the bjorn too fast. I also have the Oceans baby einstein mat and she spends many hours there, the music is on the annoying side though but she loves the toys. So excited to see pics of your little miss! Sad I wont get to see her in person! I hope you are feeling well and buy lots of fun stuff:)
I love your comment on how you didn't want to hear Andrew for the first 12 months. That made me laugh because don't I know about that. I am by no far an expert, but I say a swing is a must. The key is to get them in it early so they learn to like it. Also, I don't have one but my sis-in-law raves about the ergo. That will be my must have if ever I have another kiddo. I actually have the blue tub pictured and really liked it. It had a little holder for when the baby was really small that was helpful. Plus, I swear by the Miracle Blanket for swaddling. Swaddling is what saved us for sleep. Good luck. (And did I ever mention congrats on the new bundle of joy?? So fun!)
Wow, it looks like you already have lots of recommendations. We have a motion monitor which we love. It beeps if the baby stops breathing. I also recommend the book baby bargains. It's great. It is like a consumer reports for all baby products from car seats and strollers to bottles and bathtubs. It rates safety, functionality, price and anything else you could want to know, on just about every baby product there is.
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