It was in the 90s here today... so instead of doing our routine Wednesday activities, we decided to jump in the car and work towards finishing up our list of summer adventures (see sidebar) that we haven't done yet... (since the weather decided that it is summer again).
First stop... any guesses?
We headed north across the GG Bridge to explore Muir Woods!
Andrew climbed everything he could and liked to yell, "I am the king of the mountain!"
The weather was great and much cooler than back at home. Muir Woods is like a playland for kids. Andrew just loved running the trails while we followed him and snapped pictures. Jessie might need to start her own "Aunt Jessie Paparazzi" website soon with all the pictures of Andrew that she's been accumulating.

I loved how small the little dude was in comparison to the massive trees. We saw spider webs and deer... and found sticks... Muir Woods is Disneyland for boys.
The only negative incident of the excursion was Andrew's little tumble on the path (when he was running, of course, and I had warned him to walk or he would fall... I am SUCH a mom now). He scraped his knee exactly on the same spot where he got a big scrape yesterday. It obviously hurt and bled. He screamed and cried and threw a tantrum for awhile... and then I carried him almost 1/2 mile and then he finally chilled out.
Doing his best pretending to still be sad about his cut
Our next stop involved lots of curvy roads and beautiful beach scenery along Highway 1...
and a little lunch
(Aunt Jessie is the only one of us who can get Andrew to eat-- she threatens to eat all his food and he'll come running from wherever he is and scarf it down quickly to make sure she doesn't eat it first)
After lunch we hit up Stinson Beach
It was GORGEOUS today!
Although I learned that the water is INSANELY cold... even when it is warm out.
We ran around, waded in the water, and played in the sand until it was time to head home and get ready for dinner and bedtime.
I thought I was ready for summer weather to go away... but after today, I'm not quite sure. Going to the beach in October is pretty awesome.
I think I'm a little done with driving for a few days though... although Andrew's new favorite music choices make the ride a tad bit more entertaining...
- Beyonce's "Single Ladies"
- Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy"
... and Destiny Child's "Jumpin Jumpin"
Might be partially because of Aunt Jessie's dancing moves that she does in the car while we drive that he's chosen these new ones. When she's not with us and we're listening to a song he'll say, "This song makes Aunt Jessie go crazy?"
We're definitely having fun times over here these days!
Looks like you guys had so much fun!! How great that Jessie gets to go on so many adventures with you.
The other thing that can get Andrew to eat is to have George sit next to him at the table and scream and cry about having to eat ONE SINGLE tater tot. Andrew sat staring and ate ALL his tater tots.
I'm ready for fall weather, but I totally agree that it is so cool that you could go to the beach on a hot, sunny day in October. So great!
great pictures. i love both those places. aunt jessie sounds like so much fun!
What is it about Single Ladies?? Julia went nuts over that song, and Mini kicked extra hard when it was cranked by her in the belly.
If you like it, then you should put a ring on it...
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