This weekend we celebrated the wedding of this beautiful couple...
Karren & Bruce
and we were lucky enough to have these two special people come stay with us and party all weekend long while we celebrated.
Jocelyn & cute little Millie
Millie and Andrew loved looking at each other and basically hanging out in the same area. Andrew loved showing Millie all the spider webs in the backyard, teaching her how to go down the slide, displaying his baseball skills, and touching her little headbands and saying "She is so cute."
Hanging out during our Saturday waffle breakfast
Waiting patiently for his waffle and asking, "Millie want a waffle too?"
Showing off his baseball skills... the drumsticks in the house have been transformed into baseball bats and anyone that comes over gets asked, "You wanna play baseball with me?"... or "She wanna watch me play baseball (referring to Millie)?"
He can actually make contact with the ball too.
The wedding ceremony was fabulous... although I almost didn't make it. I hiked up the 62 stairs to the top floor of the temple and almost passed out. Last pregnancy I hiked to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral in London (450 stairs up)... obviously I'm not as fit this time around.
After the ceremony we headed to Italian Colors in Oakland for the wedding luncheon. My spinach lasagna was delish... and was made even better because we got to spend lunch with Jocelyn & Millie... and Meredith & Jeff who came up from So. Cal. for the weekend!

In between the luncheon and the reception we chilled at the Buskirk casa and then we caravaned down to Los Gatos for Karren & Bruce's evening reception.
Little man was very patient waiting in the line and told Karren, "You look beautiful" when we got our chance to congratulate the bride & groom.
We loved catching up with friends at the reception and enjoying the yummy food. Andrew was stoked because his buddy Josh came to the wedding too and they played ball and got to run around together and wear one another out. The entire drive home he asked, "Josh wanna come in the car with us?" and anytime I called his friend Joshua (instead of Josh), he would correct me and say, "No mom, his name is Josh."
Little Millie was wiped out from being so cute, chatty, and social all day!
On the drive home from the reception, Jocelyn and I were both wishing for comfy carseats so that we could fall asleep too! I think my voice is almost gone from all our late night chatting!
I did not take nearly enough pictures of Andrew & Millie this weekend! I am so sad. They were so darling to watch together. I am even more excited for baby Caitlin to come after watching how much Andrew doted on Millie.
Speaking of Caitlin... MAN is she growing!! I keep thinking she can't get any bigger... but then she keeps pushing my stomach further and further out. This was me at 39 weeks and 40 weeks last time around... and this is me at only 33 weeks. The crazy girl needs to relax and slow down and maybe wait to grow any more till after she is born.
Alrighty... back to the purpose of this post- CONGRATS KARREN AND BRUCE!
Our Palo Alto 8 group has now been turned into the Palo Alto 15 (uneven because there was some intermarriage amongst the group when Kevin & I got married).
Group trip to NJ/NYC in 2005 (weekend after Kevin & I got engaged)
All of these fabulous friends made the trek back to frigid NYC for our wedding and we have subsequently made it to all of their weddings. One of the things I have loved the most over the past few years is watching these friends find people to marry who are perfect for them... and who I also love!
Now we just need to come up with more reasons for reunions... maybe we'll have to start with Baby blessings? :)
Ah, Andrew is so cute! Joshie loves his buddy, too! So great to catch up with you! Thanks to Karren and Bruce, I got to catch up with my awesome friends!
You look amazing! Can't wait to see you in person on Saturday!
Thank you SO much for taking such wonderful care of us! Andrew was so good with Millie and will be the best big brother to Baby Caitlin! We loved spending time with the wonderful Buskirk Family.
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