Friday- I was anxious to get started and go cold turkey on the pacifier and swaddle, so I started at naptime instead of waiting till nighttime. We started with our usual naptime/bedtime schedule- diaper change, 1 story, 1 song, prayer, kisses/cuddles, fan on, put him in bed awake and say "nigh-night." He protested for the first hour and 10 minutes (on and off crying and LOTS of movement). Then he fell asleep for about 50 minutes. I went in after 5 min, then 10 min, then 15 min, and then kept going in to re-assure him every 15 min until he fell asleep on his own.
(he figured out how to move the crib bumper... so that is off now)
We partied the night away with Chilis take-out and cookie dough! French fries... mmmm!
Saturday- naps were great, very little crying, went down quickly, midday nap he slept for 1hr 1/2- 2hrs, yay!
Saturday night- He went down easily without much protesting, if any, around 7pm. Woke up around 11pm and cried for about 50 minutes on and off (much quieter and less intensely- we checked on him every 15 min). Slept until 4am and ate, slept until 7:30am. We added some towels on his side so that he wouldn't roll onto his stomach anymore...
Kevin & I partied the night away watching Mean Girls while enjoying Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Thanks Christian!! We appreciate all your hard work at KPMG that earned us all this yummy ice cream. :)
Sunday night- Cried for about 15-20 minutes when we put him down at 7pm. Still hadn't woken up when we finally hit the sack around 1am. I woke up at 5:50am in a panic- did he stop breathing??! I raced into his room and he was just happily playing, seemed to have just woken up. I fed him and he went back to sleep until 7:50am.
Happy kid after 12+ beautiful hours of sleep!
Monday night- he slept 10 hours, ate, then slept 2 more, minimal crying, if any
Tuesday night- he slept 9 hours, ate, then slept for 3 more, minimal crying
Wednesday- This is what I discovered when I checked in on the little guy during his midday nap today. When I put him down, he cried for about a minute and then was silent... must've been his thumb pacifier that helped out
Today was the perfect day with regards to his sleep schedule. I hope we can replicate it.
8:45-9:45am- morning nap
12pm-2pm- midday nap
4:15-5:00- afternoon nap
7:00pm- bedtime- no crying- when we checked on him earlier, he was sucking away on his thumb pacifier again. Such a big boy! Can't believe he's growing up and can do all these things on his own now! Kevin and I just love going into his room to watch him sleep! He is so much happier during the day now that he is getting more consolidated sleep!... which means we are happier too! Hopefully he keeps up the good work and we can stay on schedule for a few weeks until our trip to Utah... or until he starts teething or something else crazy happens.
Ah! So cute!! I love the pics.
I'm so glad that it's gone so well. Perhaps out of solidarity, Leah has slept all the way through the night 10+ hours the past two nights. If I could get sleep like this, I might not be so brainless during the day. What a huge improvement that would be. Andrew is such a cutie. We can't wait to see you guys again.
go andrew!! it's so liberating when you don't have to bounce them to sleep anymore. i love that you had a party and watched mean girls.
What an adorable little boy! GK
Yay Andrew! The next step is writing a book, "The Ben & Jerry's Way to Sleeping Night and Day" - I'd buy it . . .
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