
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Passing Time

The last hour before Andrew heads to bed is usually his toughest... since he'd rather be going to sleep and I'd rather have him stay up a little bit longer so that he doesn't wake up at 5am. Our new favorite evening activity is to go on a walk and explore the neighborhood and apartment complex. It is somewhat mundane for me since we see the same sights daily, but Andrew doesn't ever get bored of it and stays happy... so I love it!

Here's his favorite place:

He totally zones out just staring at the water... and then starts shrieking happily because I think he likes the sound of the water splashing

Since Andrew goes to bed around 7pm and Kevin doesn't usually get home until 7:30 or 8, we love having him home on the weekend to join us on our evening adventures!

Father & son push up time before our rigorous walk around the block

Check out those tired eyes! Hopefully Andrew'll have a good sleep tonight!


Chris said...

i think we need a video of some of his excited shrieking. i don't remember hearing it last time we hung out and i think it is so cute he shows his happiness so much.

Janelle said...

I hae two questions for you. what time does andrew go to bed and how long has he been up since his last nap. I know this might sound dumb but for Brody atleast if I keep him up past when he is tired he doesn't sleep as long. I don't know why but he doesn't. It may not work and maybe you have tried this but put him down earlier and if he wakes up at 5 give him a binky (if you do binky's) and see if he will go back to sleep. That is how I got brody to sleep longer. He goes down about 8:30 and sleeps until atleast 7 or so. good luck.