Our days have been filled lately with a lot of little odds and ends that we've been trying to get accomplished before the new baby arrives.
On Sunday and Monday we tackled decorating the house for Christmas. Kevin had Christmas music blasting and Andrew was the most darling little Christmas tree decorator ever. He loved breaking the candy canes so that he could show me they didn't have hooks... therefore they were fair game for him to eat.
On Monday I channeled all of my nesting energy into buying a few new decorations for our house that were necessary. :) If the new baby doesn't come soon I might buy out the entire Target holiday section.
Today we had our "due date" appointment. Caitlin is obviously a very obedient little girl and has heard me say on numerous occasions that I want her to come in December (not November), so she still has yet to make her appearance. I am scheduled to be induced on Thursday if she doesn't come tomorrow on her own.
Her little buddy Will was born today though... and I am so excited for them to meet sometime soon! Maybe a skype date? Congrats Kathren & Nick!! Will is positively adorable!
Andrew and I celebrated my Due Date Day by heading to the mall for shopping at PBK, riding the fun rides, getting pretzels at Auntie Anne's, and buying too many Mrs. Fields cookies!
After naps, we met up with Izzie & Sarah for a quick hilly afternoon run. (I am so excited that I have been able to run almost my entire pregnancy this time! Last time I had to stop the week before my due date.)
Izzie & Sarah are officially moving to North Carolina and leave on Thursday. We are enjoying hanging out with them as much as we can until then!

Tonight we spent the evening playing with the newest addition to our family... this beautiful Clavinova from Grandma Shari.
Andrew has cherished every opportunity to play it whenever we are in Utah... so Shari shipped it down to us and now we finally have a musical instrument for Andrew to play that doesn't require us to wear ear plugs! He spent all evening before bed at the piano. I loved having his "playing" as background music while I cleaned the house.
Call me crazy, but another new favorite little thing this week is the new Personal Progress website our church just put out. I got my award when I was in high school and am doing it again now with the girls that I teach at church. The new website is awesome. I inputed all my data tonight and can't wait to get going on more of the projects.

The goal I am currently working on tells me to Review what "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" says about being a wife and a mother. List attributes in my journal and then choose one of those attributes and strive to develop it. I'm working on the attribute of "patience" right now... Kevin would laugh himself silly right now if he read this... since I have been anything but patient lately. I have a long ways to go on this particular goal :)
Now I'm off to clean our room and possibly put away all the laundry that has been piling up!! I keep wishing it would magically put itself away. I'd hate to go into labor in the middle of the night though and have my neighbor see the disaster that is our house right now!
1 comment:
I thought about you a lot today because I knew today was your official Due Date. Way to go Caitlin for holding out until December.
I hope you get everything done that you want to before she arrives.
Good luck!!!!
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