My stomach no longer feels like it is ripping apart all day long from coughing (only every 30 min or so now)... so today was a pretty awesome day just because of that....
But then there were a few other highlights
1. Loud crash during Andrew's nap and subsequent screaming led me upstairs to swing open the bedroom door and find a buck naked little Andrew man running around his room yelling that he wanted different clothes on for his nap.
Still no clue what the crash or screams were about... but Andrew running around in his birthday suit was pretty funny.
2. Girls Night Out at Pete's Brass Rail & Car Wash. We hung out for about 3 hours chatting until the waitress's subtle signals for us to leave were no longer subtle. Food was delish, company was even better. I love my girlfriends.

3. Late night Target shopping. What could be better than that? :) I tried so hard to make it there this afternoon... but it didn't happen. 10pm at Target = me spending a little too much $$ as I browse... but I found these babies in the holiday candy section.

If you like Cadbury mini eggs, I'd strongly recommend trying these chocolate balls. I will be stocking up my hospital suitcase with these pieces of heaven.
4. XL t-shirts in the Junior's section = perfect size for my pregnant belly. I grabbed a few new t-shirts tonight for "lounge wear" which is code at my house for what I wear all day long these days everywhere unless I have to go to church, the mall, or out to dinner. Add a nice large t-shirt with a black stretchy skirt or black yoga pants and that's about as fancy as I get these days.

I am definitely grateful for such a fabulous chill Saturday with so many great simple fun moments.
Gotta love the Christmas Mini-Eggs! You can now officially have the baby with those packed in your bag!
YUM, I love Cadbury mini eggs--I gotta get some of those balls! Packing candy for the hospital is so important!
I am also with you on the lounge-wear. I just bought myself a full out sweatsuit and I will be wearing it on a constant basis from now til Easter.
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