Remember this closet we demolished not long ago?
It now looks like this... and little dude is one happy guy. He loves putting his clothes away in random spots so that I get to go find them. I have a lot of organizing still to do and a lot more stuff to add/take out of the closet, but the closet structure is at least done. Kevin still has to put the white paneled doors on the front, but that will be quick and then it will be done. Wahoo!
My favorite part of the closet is Andrew's drawers. Now he doesn't have to have a dresser in his room and we have way more space for toys and his train table!
His favorite part of his closet is this cupboard. Peek-a-boo! It is a cupboard for toys that I don't want to see. He likes to pick different things to put in there every day... including himself :)
Andrew also got a basketball hoop over his bed. I want to get some vinyl letters and put his name on it at some point. He loves to say, "I want to go play on my bed for a little bit. Do you want to come play basketball with me?"

He loves his new room and big boy bed so much that sometimes he'll just go upstairs, close the door, and play by himself for awhile. It is adorable.
Next up is Caitlin's room. Kevin is going to be building her closet structure this weekend. He is stoked ;)
I have also been gathering little accessories for her room. I thought this was a cute accent to use to stick all her hair clips. As you can see, we have just begun collecting them :) but the ones we have are ADORABLE. The little bright colored ones at the bottom just arrived from VA yesterday courtesy of our fabulous friend Jocelyn. I love them!
Andrew wanted to be in every picture I took... so here is his shot with the hair clip stand.
We also put curtains up in Caitlin's room. I scored these ones on sale at PB kids and they were the last two panels and now they are no longer available anywhere. The colors match perfectly with the baby bedding and are striped, which was what I was looking for. The photo doesn't show the colors that well, but you can see what the curtains actually look like here. They really mellow out the pink walls when you see them in natural light.
I am going to attempt to make a mobile for the nursery in the next few weeks... inspired by this but with multi-colored polka dots instead... we'll see how it works out. My fabulous crafty friend Liz is going to help me, so it probably will turn out beautifully.
My friend Sarah gave me this cute print and I love it so much that I might order a much larger one and frame it for the wall...
... and I also think this is cute (with a espresso wood frame and larger white matte) possibly in a green or another color (non-pink) to go in the room.
I don't want too much on the walls or too much clutter... but right now the poor little girl's room is barren (besides her brother's train table and a closet full of stuffed animals).
I have a spreadsheet full of all the things that need to get done (day by day) until the little cutie arrives. Her room decor is really last on the list, but is the most fun to work on.
Can't decide what color to do some accent shelves (espresso or white?- her dresser and crib are espresso)... and I can't decide what to put over her dresser- mirror? artwork? something else random... we'll see what I end up doing.
Pass along any ideas if you have them!
So glad you like them! The kids' rooms are coming along beautifully.
I forgot to mention that I love how Andrew's closet turned out. That closet system is awesome and I can't wait to see what the mobile turns out like.
no ideas here but i love love love andrew's closet!!
I can see you are nesting over there!!!
It all looks so great. The closet system is awesome. I love that you don't have to have a chest of drawers.
I LOVE the hair clip stand in Caitlin's room. So feminine and darling. Great find on the curtains.
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