On Saturday night we went to Google's holiday party. We would have to say it was the most incredible party we've ever been to. We arrived fashionably late (about 40 min) along with about several thousand other people. Here is the line of cars trying to get into the parking lot. We had to park so far away from the main event that we boarded a party bus in the parking lot to drive us to the entrance.

The first room was florescent orange and pink with all sorts of appetizers and desserts and a DJ. It was about the length of a football field and completely packed with people.

The best desserts in the room were the chocolate mousse cups and the little lemon tarts. They also had a Spanish Tapas bar and Italian Tuscan bar.

After we explored the first room, we ventured down the dark hallway to the Space Lounge.

The Space Lounge was a lot quieter and all sorts of crazy old space movies were being showed on big screens all over the place. They also had some virtual reality machines you could try out. The food in this room was more like comfort food- Kristina's favorite thing was the mashed potato bar! They also had pigs in a blanket, gourmet grilled cheese, and blue cheese bites. We were in heaven... until we walked up the stairs and found the crepe bar! They had amazing berry and chocolate crepes... so the eating continued! :-) Basically the entire event consisted of wandering around and eating - it was fabulous!

The last room was the craziest/loudest room where the live band was playing. Baby Buskirk didn't enjoy the loud music too much, so we didn't stay long in there... but we did stay long enough to try the creme puff bar. They had several different types of creme puffs and then would smother the creme puffs with either hot fudge or hot caramel. Mmmm!

In the live band room they also had some vintage arcade games for people to play.

At the end of the evening we waited in line to get our picture taken to document the event and then we jumped on the Google party bus to head back to our car. It was a great way to start off our holiday party season!
I love Google!
wow-that sounds like my kind of party!
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