
Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Best Time of Year

There are several reasons why I love February and March, but the main two reasons are listed below:

1) Cadbury mini-eggs

2) Girl Scout Cookies!!

Yesterday we went on a little family outing to the supermarket so that I could get some more Cadbury mini eggs (and other essentials like diapers, wipes, etc.). As I entered the supermarket, I heard one of those annoying solicitors at the front of the store and started to say, "no thank you," when I noticed that the solicitors were little girls AND they were asking if we wanted to buy some cookies. My number 1 rule of Girl Scout cookies season is that you can't say no to any Girl Scout... so you have to at least buy one box (but usually I buy two or three... or more). I told the Girl Scout solicitor that we'd buy some on our way out and we did! I enjoyed a lovely snack of Thin Mints as we walked home. It was the best walk ever :-)

I am even more excited to take a trip back to Escondido in a week or so since I think I bought cookies from almost all the 5th grade girls. The highlight of this year is that I actually had a Girl Scout in my class... which meant I had to buy even more cookies. Some girls sell the cookies made by Little Brownie Bakers and some are made by ABC Bakers. The first several boxes I bought this year were ones by the ABC Bakers... so when the girls selling Little Brownie Baker cookies showed up (the more traditional Samoas, round Thin Mints, Tagalongs, etc.), I had to buy even more.

One of the main reasons I feel that I need to support the Girl Scouts is because I used to be a Girl Scout leader. I was actually the Troop Cookie Manager. I had about a hundred cases of cookies in my freshman dorm room and in the hallway during cookie season. That was a bad year for my diet though... since all the cookies my girls didn't sell got eaten by me :-)


Lindsey said...

Where do I go? What grocery store...I need girl scout cookies desperately!!

And we have already devoured one bag of cadbury mini eggs...yum!

Kristina said...

They were at the Lucky (formerly Albertsons) at Lawrence and El Camino. They usually sell cookies most Saturdays during March. Def. check it out :-)

Darren, Tisha, Tanner & Tennyson said...

Hey! Congrats on baby Andrew. He is a very cute kid. Sorry I'm a little slow saying that! Hope you are all doing well!

Alie said...

Awesome. I'm glad you know when to treat yourself. I hope you're not running yet?! BTW- LOVE the baby whisperer-- I HIGHLY recommend EASY. It was the best. I promise- it will pay off.

Janelle said...

okay so I love the Mini eggs I could eat them until I get sick and then keep going because I love them so much. Anyways I was reading your blog about the sleep positioner and I need more info. My baby has been stuffed up with a cold so we have been having him sleep in his carrier to allow him to breath easier. He now sleeps through the night 8-10 hours but any time we take him out and put him in his bed he wakes up after about 3. I hear sleep positioners totally help so tell me all about yours. Congrats by the way on the new baby. It's so fun and gets even more fun when you start being able to sleep :). PS I don't know if you haver our blog address but it's

heather said...

don't know if you remember me...i'm liesl's friend from high school. i met you at the buskirk's house in san jose a couple years back...congrats on your little boy! and thanks for the cookie info! that's just about 10 minutes from me, and i'd been wondering where they were!