Kevin's gift to me was a trip to Utah for Mother's Day. It was such a fun and spontaneous idea and he was able to convince his mom to join us, so we were able to spend a wonderful Mother's Day weekend with both of our incredible moms! Andrew also got to take his first airplane ride. He was a perfect angel the entire trip. We left on Saturday afternoon around 3pm and returned Sunday night around 10pm. Such a crazy, busy, fun weekend!
Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Andrew getting ready for our trip.

Hanging out at SFO. Andrew LOVED the lights and windows at the airport.

Entertaining Grandma Shari and Kevin with his smiles while waiting for the flight.

Sitting with mom on the airplane.

Showing off his airplane wings that he got from the flight attendants.
They loved him! He either slept or smiled for the entire flight.

Delicious dinner and dessert at Shauna's! Andrew got to meet his Johnson cousins and we enjoyed spending time chatting with Randy, Shauna, and Shari. We also celebrated Shari's retirement from working at Challenger. Shauna made a yummy chocolate bundt cake.
It was a great night!

The highlight of the trip was surprising my parents at 10pm on Saturday night. Here's my dad when he opened the door.

My mom heard the noise at the door and came running.

She was so surprised and excited that she started crying... and so did I.
It was the perfect Mother's Day surprise!

My mom fed Andrew and we got him all swaddled and asleep in the pack n' play and the darling little guy slept ALL NIGHT! Happy Mother's Day to me! (that was the 3rd time in the week he'd slept through the night- what a great present!!)

Andrew and I were up by 7am on Sunday and so were Grandma Julie and Grandpa Kim- of course! They spent the whole morning playing with Andrew. He loved all the attention and was all smiles. Kevin & my dad watched the little guy for a few hours so my mom and I could go on long walk up in the Provo hills. We went and checked out the beautiful neighborhood that Shari is moving into. Her home's architecture is somewhat similar to to this other home in her neighborhood and she's only 5 minutes away from my parent's house!

Still playing with Andrew

Kevin and my dad also took Andrew on a walk around their
neighborhood so that my dad could show the little guy around.

Later in the day we headed off to church with my parents and were fortunate to be there when my dad got called as the Bishop of the Meadow Wood Ward. Here is Bishop Smith with Kevin and Andrew after he got set apart. We felt so blessed to be with our parents on such a special day for them.

After that we headed off to another church meeting to listen to Allen and Liesl speak about families, children, and motherhood. They both did an incredible job and left us thinking about different ways we can strengthen our family and be better parents. Afterwards, Andrew got to meet his Buskirk cousins.

Leah and Andrew had fun playing on their tummies and being entertained by Kate.

This is a picture of beautiful Leah- she was born a little less than 2 months before Andrew.
It'll be fun to have a cousin so close to his age that he can play with!

After a delicious Mother's Day dinner with my mom and dad and a visit w/ Karl and Wendy, we headed back to California. We were in Utah for about 28 hours and it was a super fast trip but totally worth it! Andrew was a gem on the airplane and slept almost the entire flight. The airplane was pretty empty as well, so he even got his own seat. It worked out perfectly!

When we got home I was able to enjoy the beautiful flowers that Andrew (and Kevin) sent to me. What a perfect way to spend my first Mother's Day! We are so grateful for the wonderful mothers that we got to spend this holiday weekend with. Happy Mother's Day!!