Andrew & I flew to Utah on Saturday afternoon. I had been having nightmares and bad daydreams for several weeks about flying alone with him. We fortunately got a Gate Pass from Jet Blue so that Kevin could go through security with us. Ironically, even with Kevin there, security was the biggest hassle of the entire trip. They kept getting our carseat and stroller stuck in the x-ray machines and then would have to make them go through again... just in case they missed any bombs that we might be trying to smuggle through. ;-) Meanwhile, Andrew was swaddled in my arms attempting to take a nap... so Kev got to deal with all the bags. When we got to the airplane, we said goodbye to Kevin and hopped on the plane. Andrew was a gem and slept for the first 45 minutes and then woke up and played with me for the rest of the flight. No major explosions this time (and Jet Blue actually has changing tables... so we wouldn't have needed to change him on the nasty toilet seat cover again anyway). I did have a minor breakdown at the Jet Blue counter when they were originally not going to let Kevin come through security with me. I would've been fine alone and could've put Andrew in the Baby Bjorn, but I hadn't mentally prepared for that... and am running on a little sleep, so the counter rep saw some tears and heard some minor threats about me planning to call Dave Neeleman (JetBlue's CEO and a friend of my dad's) to complain about their inconsistency in policies. Fortunately Kevin is more even tempered and mellow and helped me calm down pretty quickly. A different rep (the manager) helped us out when she realized the guy we were talking to didn't know what the correct policy was. Good thing! Andrew & I are definitely loving being in Utah, but we really miss Kevin!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see him on Thursday when he joins us out here.
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