
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tagged: Running

Thanks to Elise, I've been tagged. Here are my responses:

1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
10 years ago I was a sophomore in college living at Branbury Park apartments in Provo. Elise and I would run about 6 miles together each day and we would also do whatever we were told to do for BYU lacrosse training. I was in such awesome shape. Some days we would run 3 miles at lacrosse practice, run the RB stairs 6 or 7 times, and then go on our 6 mile evening run. I was on the BYU creamery ice cream diet at the time ;) so that much running was probably necessary. Most nights we wouldn't run until after 10pm and sometimes we'd even run at crazy early hours b/c we didn't want to sacrifice our socializing time. My favorite runs were at around 1 or 2am while it was snowing. It so beautiful up at the Provo Temple at that hour- so quiet with all the snow falling- every sound was muffled except for the crunch of the ice as we carefully jogged on the sidewalk. I think my running buddy needs to move back to the Bay area! I miss her!

2. What is your best and worst run/race experience?
The worst would be the St. George marathon and the Lake Tahoe half marathon... both of which ended with me fainting and getting nauseated. After the St. George marathon, I took my little tracker off my shoelaces, walked through the sprinkling shower and found Elise and my mom being interviewed by our friend Annie for BYU T.V. She'd also interviewed us at mile 7 when we were still happy and energetic. Once I found them, I said, "I don't feel so good," and then proceeded to slump down and faint on the ground. The trainer people put me on a stretcher and hooked me up to an IV for an hour in the first aid tent. I thought I was dying. When I woke up I felt even worse... my legs were completely cramped up since I hadn't had a chance to walk around much after the race. I proceeded to feel completely awful for the next several days and then I got Iliotibial Band Syndrome and could barely run for the subsequent 4-5 months without excruciating pain. Those were some dark days. At the Lake Tahoe half marathon I felt awesome afterwards and then all of a sudden the light got really bright and Kevin caught me as I started to fall and faint. Not fun! I'm looking forward to trying to do another half marathon soon and hopefully not faint! My best runs were when we went to London last Christmas. I was 7 months pregnant and my only goal for the vacation was to run with Elise & my mom each day. Despite all the walking we did every day, my body still cooperated with me and I was able to run each morning with them and explore London. It was the highlight of my vacation.

3. Why do you run?
To run off all the chocolate I eat during the day and for pure enjoyment. I also do my best thinking when I run and I get out any frustration from the day- the days that were really bad at work, when I used to get attacked by the little people, were always my best and fastest running days. If I don't get my run in, Kevin can attest, I'm usually an emotional wreck. I also run with my mom and sisters for social reasons- we have the best chats on our runs and keep each other motivated. Now that Jessie runs too, it is so fun to all go out together on a Saturday morning during vacation and explore new neighborhoods and look at beautiful houses.

4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running?
I don't really listen to advice about running, I mostly just do my own thing. I guess the best piece of advice maybe was just to listen to my body. That worked especially well when I was pregnant and during post-pregnancy as I worked back up to my usual daily workout.

5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
Can't really think of anything... although it would probably be surprising to most people that I actually eat as much chocolate during the day as I do :) although it might also be surprising to know that I don't really like chocolate during the summer (it's too melty)... instead I eat large amounts of ice cream.

Runners I'm tagging:

And anyone else who loves to run...


Jenny said...

i'll get right on that!

Liz said...

I love reading about you and Elise running together. I miss her for you. I wish I would have know you at the BYU, so I could have waved at the two of you as you ran the streets. Also, do you really think we'd be surprised how much chocolate you eat?? I just assumed it was one of your basic food groups. :)