Next we helped decorate the Smith family Christmas tree. Since we didn't get to have a tree in Cali this year, it was fun to start a new tradition and all help decorate the tree at my parent's house on Christmas Eve. It was especially nice to have Scott, Cat & Jessie celebrating with us too!
Andrew liked eating the ornaments, climbing up the stairs, and playing with Grandpa instead.
We also carried on the Smith family tradition of playing UNO, eating lots of treats and cheese & crackers, and wrapping up Secret Santa gifts. Once it got late enough for Santa to drop off presents, we jumped in our Lexus bubble car sleigh and headed off to help him do some delivering.
Uh Oh! Is that Cat kissing Santa??!!
Santa & his helpers
Jess was the fastest and most creative as she rang doorbells,
ran, and threw herself on top of Cat & I as we sped off.
ran, and threw herself on top of Cat & I as we sped off.
We also started a new tradition (which will hopefully carry on) of visiting the Holdman Christmas light display in Lindon, UT. It was definitely an experience we will never forget! Check out the website here.
Jess got out and danced in the snow to the music and choreographed light displays...
We ended the night with my favorite Smith family tradition of sharing Christmas stories and reading in the Bible about the first Christmas. Jessie shared an abridged version of "The Polar Express" (with her own commentary that kept us awake).

I shared this cute story by President Monson called "A Christmas Dress for Ellen." I probably would've gotten sentimental as I was reading... but the name of one of the characters, Ingeborg, kept making me crack up. I don't know why (other than b/c I was really overtired).

Scott, Cat & Kev all shared Christmas stories from their missions and then we all headed up to bed so that Santa would have time to come and visit. It was such a special Christmas Eve!
I am so grateful for the birth of Christ and this wonderful time of year!! We have been so busy back in Cali this month that I haven't felt like we've really had an opportunity to have the Christmas spirit around. It has been so nice to be with family this week and remember all of the blessings we've been given.
I am so grateful for the birth of Christ and this wonderful time of year!! We have been so busy back in Cali this month that I haven't felt like we've really had an opportunity to have the Christmas spirit around. It has been so nice to be with family this week and remember all of the blessings we've been given.