He really shocked me with all of his surprises because all week when I would mention my pending half birthday he would mock me and roll his eyes. I was starting to get a little mad. :) It was all part of his plan.
Then on Friday he arrived home with all of these things...
- A delicious Mrs. Fields cookie sandwich... (it was gone pretty quickly)
- A Bag-o-presents- The best of which was ANOTHER protector case for my phone (I drop it every day)... he gave me one on my real birthday and he says that the look on my face was pretty funny since it said something like, "Did you seriously just give this to me as a present?" I tend to think practical things shouldn't be presents. If it is something you would buy anyway or for yourself, it doesn't count as a birthday present (unless it is chocolate). Of course, I have dropped my phone a lot since then, so the cover has been destroyed. A new one was the perfect 1/2 birthday present! :)
The other cool gift won't arrive for a month or two. It is coming from Japan. Some of my blogging friends introduced me to this cool little machine called a Gocco.

Print Gocco is a tabletop silk-screen unit which requires no chemicals, no darkroom, no big unwieldy wooden frames.The printed area is about 3.5" x 5" - perfect for cards, postcards or text and image in handmade books.
I love drawing and creating things, so I'm excited to use the Gocco to make my own invitations, thank you cards, announcements, etc. I always feel I spend WAY TOO MUCH on cards, invites, etc. so now I can spend less time wasting money and more time being creative!Lastly, the best present came from Andrew. His card read, "Happy Half Birthday, Mom! Thanks so much for taking such great care of me during the last 3 months! I really like all the different treats I get to experience through you. :-) I love you! Andrew" and then he gave me a big cookie card from Mrs. Fields that said "Happy 1/2 Birthday Mom!" (his dad is training him well!)
We celebrated by enjoying dinner at a burger restaurant close by called St. John's Restaurant and catching up on all of the Greys Anatomy episodes we had TiVoed. It was the best 1/2 birthday I've ever had! Thanks Kevin & Andrew!
I am so impressed at how thoughtful that was! What an ultra-nice husband! That picture of Andrew with the huge cookie is darling!
what a nice hubby, those cookies look pretty tasty!
Happy 1/2 Birthday! Nice job Kevin at playing it cool. Also, I have to say that Andrew gets cuter and cuter with every post. Even as a baldind baby he is a doll. Do you think he could share some tips with George on how to sleep through the night??
How fun is that?! Super fun! How fun of him to prepare a surprise for your 1/2 birthday--super cute!
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