
Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Week with Catie & Ryan

Andrew flew to Utah last week to spend a a week with my parents. I've been calling it "Grandma Camp" but really it was "Grandparents Camp" since both my mom and dad were significantly involved in making sure that Andrew had an insanely good week.

He saw Planes, got new Legos, went to the Gateway Children's museum, Provo Beach Resort, and a bounce house place... to name a few of his excursions. He also went on a gazillion golf cart rides, threw rocks in the river, went to a luau at Aspen Senior Center, and had lots of trips to the swimming pool. I think he mentioned he got to have two scoops of ice cream almost every night too. The kid was in HEAVEN.

Meanwhile, I got an entire week to devote to just Catie & Ryan.

We had a lot of fun. Here is some of the stuff we did. I also posted a lot of photos on Instagram if you follow me there.

We made sparkly princess puppets

There were sparkles all over my kitchen for awhile

We did salad spinner art

We painted

We made fairies

We practiced our ABCs and read lots of stories

We did manicures several times

We went to Fairyland with Kevin

It is the perfect place for toddlers and babies. Andrew would've probably been bored... Catie was in heaven! I love going here every two years or so... more often would be too much for me.

Sliding down the Jack N Jill hill 

and we went to Fentons - yum!

We also went to Studio Grow with one of Ryan's little buddies and then had lunch at Methanys at Blackhawk

Catie also got to have her very own playdate at our house with her friend Farrah. It was adorable. I was having too much fun that I forgot to snap a photo. Normally she just follows Andrew around when his friends are over... so it was fun for her to have free range of the house with her friend.

We also just had a lot of downtime and playtime at our house. Catie loves to snuggle, so we watched her favorite movies while Ryan napped.

They also goofed around together and I just watched. Ryan loved all the attention he got from Catie.

I hosted a Girls Night Dessert night at our house for about 10 friends and we ate an insane amount of delicious treats brought by everyone and had fun chatting. 

I also hosted a YWs healthy recipes activity at our house one night.

The only downside to the week was the Ryan was teething and slept very little and Catie woke up a bunch at night too. All the stuff we did plus little sleep made for an exhausting week despite having one less kid to keep track of!

Andrew flew back home with my mom late on Thursday night. Our house is so much louder and crazier now that he is home, but we sure missed him! 

Once I get some photos I will need share a few snapshots from his special week with his grandparents. He had so much fun and I really enjoyed having extra time to cuddle and give attention to just Catie & Ryan! I am so grateful for my thoughtful parents who took such good care of Andrew and made sure he had a blast!

Now I am ready for a nap!

1 comment:

Laura Tanner said...

Fairyland! I have magical memories of going there as a kid. I didn't know it was still open.