
Monday, February 18, 2013

Looking Back... Happy 7 Years!

Seven years ago today Kevin & I got married. It doesn't feel like that long ago, but a lot of amazing things have happened since then and time really has just flown by. I love looking back at these pictures and remembering how special our wedding day was and thinking about how many of our favorite people were there to celebrate with us. I finally got a few wedding photos framed and posted in our house (it only took me 6.5 years). This one below of us laughing is right by my front door and it makes me smile every time I walk by it. I am so blessed to be married to Kevin. We compliment one another in so many ways and have so much fun together. 

Since I have hundreds... if not thousands of wedding photos, I thought I'd post a few of my favorites as we celebrate this anniversary. We're not doing anything super special to celebrate this year, but honestly, I don't need anything fancy. Hanging out with Kevin while chatting and eating ice cream is fun to me. Some of my favorite moments we've spent together this past year would seem dull to most people... but they were highlights to me. Laughing while sorting through Legos and baby clothes together during Kevin's paternity leave earlier this year was one of those moments. I have also enjoyed all of our home remodel shopping appointments as we've picked tile and lights and fixtures. 

I am so grateful to be married to such a thoughtful, selfless, kind, and generous person! We make a great team. I am excited to have many many more years to spend together. Our kids are also so lucky to have such a super dad... who is seriously amazing, sweet, patient, and talented in so many ways! 

My favorite quote that President Hinckley shared a few years ago is posted below. It was part of the inspiration behind our family theme (posted in my header above).

“Marriage requires a high degree of tolerance, and some of us need to cultivate that attribute. I have enjoyed these words of Jenkins Lloyd Jones, which I clipped from the newspaper some years ago. Said he:

“There seems to be a superstition among many thousands of our young [men and women] who hold hands and smooch in the drive-ins that marriage is a cottage surrounded by perpetual hollyhocks to which a perpetually young and handsome husband comes home to a perpetually young and [beautiful] wife. When the hollyhocks wither and boredom and bills appear the divorce courts are jammed. …

“Anyone who imagines that bliss [in marriage] is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed.

“[The fact is] most putts don’t drop. Most beef is tough. Most children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. …

“Life is like an old-time rail journey—delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.

“The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride”

I am so grateful to be journeying through life with such an amazing friend and husband. It has been a wonderful 7 years!

Happy Anniversary to us Kev! Love you! :)

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