
Friday, March 6, 2009

Cookie Monster

I am sad I didn't have my camera today at the mall! After some fun and much needed shopping... Andrew and I headed to Mrs. Fields for a treat (my way of bribing him to be good while we look at stuff for me!). I always love it when we approach the Mrs. Fields store and he starts getting excited. Too bad they don't have a mall babysitter that could just sit with kids and look at the cookies while their moms shopped... Andrew would love it!

Anyways, I gave him a small bite of a cookie as we walked towards Nordstroms. At some point I stopped to pick something up that he'd dropped (sneaky kid!). I turned around for a second or two. When I turned back around, Andrew had pulled himself over the side of the stroller (still strapped in) and had reached to the bottom of my Nordstrom bag... and then found the Mrs. Fields bag and pulled out an entire cookie to start eating it. The kid's face was covered in chocolate. He works fast! I started laughing. Would've made such a great picture. I love my sneaky little cookie monster!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Ha ha I love it! I always bribe my kids with Mrs. Fields at the mall. I have decided her cookies are my favorite food. I just started Max on Oreos at home. Why is it so adorable to see babies go to town on our favorite junk food?