We had doctors appointments and other work meetings that kept us busy until 3pm... and then we had 4-5 hours to kill (since Kevin's flight was delayed).
We started off with a trip to the Palo Alto Junior Museum. Andrew could've stayed there for 2 hours... but my brain was dead after about 1 hr.

As I pondered what to do next... I noticed CHUCK E CHEESE right next door. I haven't been since I was little... and when I think of Chuck E. Cheese I think of lots and lots of germs! But we went anyway.

He loved hitting the sharks.
It was determined that he might take after his mom when it comes to roller coasters. He was screaming to get off the thing (and the video was only taking him up the roller coaster, he hadn't gone down yet).
After we ran out of tokens (I only wanted to spend $5)... he still played with all the machines for another hour.
With the 45 tickets we got, we won a measly plastic spider.
He played with it for a minute and we lost it. It obviously wasn't that cool.
He tried to scrounge for more tokens and tickets...
and even figured out how to cheat at skee ball.
Once we were done with 2 hrs of fun, we lathered on the purell and headed to Pet Smart for another hour of excitement.
This was my workout for the day since little man basically ran laps around the whole store. He kept me entertained with his crazy dance too.
Once I was worn out (around 8pm), we headed to the Google parking lot to wait for Kevin. We waited for about another hour. The little dude cultivated a new talent while we hung out in the car. As you can see here... we moved from tired to way overtired (and more crazy).
We also had a dance party.
Around 9pm we were reunited with Kevin and started the trek back home!