The more I want it to hurry up and be done, the longer it seems to take.
Tomorrow I am going to give in and start pretending that it is going by way too fast and I wish it would slow down... that always seems to help time speed up a bit.
My impatience might have something to do with my constant daydreams of Maui... and how I will be there soon...

I'm thinking I'm going to cure the LONG week with a long shopping trip in the next day or so find myself some cute new summer clothes. Unfortunately I have no idea what to get or where to start!
If you were going somewhere tropical, where would you be shopping? What would you be buying? I want to look cute and my old outfits need to be retired!! (if you know me, think black polo and a skirt which was last summer's uniform... and the uniform the summer before... and let's be honest, really all the time, because it is skirt weather in Cali most of the year).
I need a clothing intervention! Pass along your favorite finds so far so I can actually look cute in Hawaii!! It would totally make my week... and maybe help it pass just a little bit quicker? :)
I think this dress from DownEast Basics would be cute and comfy for walks on the beach (PS - it does come in black). And, it's one of those dresses that gives the illusion of tallness (especially when you have a tall hubby).
This one looks beachy to me too - can be easily paired with black shirt.
I am so incredibly jealous!!! I love Hawaii and I also love the shopping for Hawaii. I think your skirts are perfect for Hawaii, but I support you in getting some new stuff if you want it. I always think it's easy to shop for beach wear because it can be sort of flimsy and cheap. Target always has some fun stuff. I am excited to see you today!
Every mom has their uniform. I was just thinking about mine the other day and how I have no shame that people see me in it time after time after time. But sometimes it IS time to get some new clothes. I got some new ones but here I am, still wearing my uniform because I don't want spit up all over my cute stuff. We're going to Hawaii in June...and since our goal is to pack light, (haha-with three kids, is that possible?)I'm going to be sticking to shorts and t's that I can wear a couple times. Plus our condo has a washer and dryer, thank goodness. But for the beach, I'll be wearing my swimsuit and probably some booty workout shorts, which just look like boardshorts basically. And for dinner, probably jsut shorts, although I don't even know what fits me yet because I haven't pulled them out this year!!!! Dang weather. Anyways, good luck. I feel the pain.
I think DownEast is definitely a good place to check out. They seem to have a lot of cute dresses and skirts right now and are inexpensive. I'm counting down the days til we're on the beach...
oh this is a fun game (but sorry you are having a long week). last year when we went to hawaii i was so happy i bought a cute swimsuit cover. because i wanted pictures on the beach but not me in my swimsuit (especially since i was 7 months preggo).
and of course at least one cute swimsuit seems like an appropriate buy.
i am obsessed with all of the bright flowery shirts that are all over the place right now. i'd also get some cute trouser bermuda shorts from ann taylor loft, a short sleeved cardigan from downeast basics, and a couple fun, bright skirts (although I think the ones you have are cute too).
i second the target suggestion. and h&m is a good place to check too...anthropologie has some cute, unique skirts, although i pretty much just check the sale rack because it's pricey.
happy shopping!
target always gets me in the groove of the season. i would suggest target.
Target! Cute skirts and tops. Cute new swimsuit...I second it all!
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