Last night, for the first time that I can remember, I found myself in our house ALL BY MYSELF. It was only for about 30 minutes, but it was awesome. Kev took Andrew w/ him to help a boy in our ward with his Eagle Project and I was supposed to go pick girls up for Young Womens, but no one needed a ride after all, so I didn't have to leave early... After a few minutes of contemplating all of the productive things I should do with my free time (sweep, vacuum, get the big boxes from my classroom out of my car finally, do the laundry, work on my lesson for Sunday)... I decided to veg out on the couch instead. It felt great. I caught up on a TiVoed show and was totally lazy. The time flew by way too fast! It was the perfect night to get me excited for my Girls Weekend of relaxing starting tomorrow!! Carmel, Monterey, Gilroy outlets, Ghirardelli chocolate shoppe, Mrs. Fields cookies, Cheesecake Factory... I am counting down the minutes! Hopefully I don't have to get rolled home after all the relaxing and chocolate eating!
Nice! It is fun to get out without the kids, but my favorite thing ever is to be home alone without the kids. . . . a "staycation" if you will. Have a wonderful weekend!!!
You are hardly lazy or "couch potato"ish for 30 minutes of TV watching! I'm so glad you got be home alone for a little bit. Moments alone are truly treasures!
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