On Friday, Andrew and I were surprised to learn from Kevin that he had Monday off. Yay! The weekend was VERY crazy (sick Kevin- Open House- lots of Sunday meetings-work-lots of errands-lots of cleaning, painting, etc)... so we were really happy to have Monday to relax.
Thanks to SUPER DAD, I enjoyed sleeping in until 9am! Below are some pics from our day off and our fun busy weekend.
This kid never stops eating

If anyone is worried about their kids becoming TV addicts, just send them to our house. Somehow we managed to train Andrew to dislike watching his movies on the TV. He only likes to fast forward through movies lately and turn them off. If we hide the remote, he's not interested any more and will leave the room and go play with his toys. Guess we won't be using the TV as a babysitter ...

The crazy kid really likes to bounce up and down and shake- I thought this picture portrayed him in action very well

Kev set up Rock Band this weekend and he and Andrew had fun rocking out with the drums.

Andrew created a train of all the movable objects in our hall and was pushing them around

Still eating... he even gets food on his eyelids

Wacking daddy with the drum sticks

Kev playing the bum drum

Right after I started telling Kevin that is was so nice that Andrew doesn't climb on top of things yet, he climbed on this box. A few minutes later he climbed up on it again, sat down, and fell off backwards. So much fun :) Glad he hasn't tried anything higher yet.

On Monday afternoon we trekked to Santana Row for lunch at Chilis and some shopping. We sat outside and enjoyed the 70 degree weather. It was gorgeous.

Andrew loved his cool kids meal- grilled cheese & mashed potatoes- and thought his new cup was so neat!

Crazy about potatoes!

Trying to fit the whole grilled cheese in his mouth

Afterwards, we headed to Anthro for some good sales. We found some cute baby items for Andrew. These were my favorite ones that we got. He loves playing with the dog, cat and mouse while I pull them around.

I love their vintage looking toys too- on my next trip I want to get the Jack-in-the-box.

We also got Andrew a darling doggy stuffed animal... usually $12 that was marked down to $3. That is my kind of stuffed animal! (looked like this, but is a dog)

We ended the day with a trip to Mrs. Fields and some web cam chat w/ my mom and dad. It was an awesome day off!
Happy MLK Jr Day!