Next we headed across the street to the beach. It was just south of the Cliff House, right by Seal Rocks. The scenery was beautiful. Andrew proved he was a full-fledged California boy by rolling around and around in the sand and refusing to leave. Forget the gorgeous Maui beaches (that he didn't like so much), California beaches are more his style.
After some beach time, we headed over to Patxi's Chicago Pizza in the Marina. Kevin's been telling me we should go for awhile, so we were happy to discover that a new restaurant had just opened up in SF.

Andrew was most excited about the rootbeer and the bouncy benches.
The pizza was very similar to Zachary's Pizza (our favorite pizza place in the East Bay).
The pizza takes 30-40 minutes to cook. Little dude was a good sport and then got tired out from all of his seat jumping and lounged on Kev's lap... sometimes he would start licking Kevin's jeans. I'm not sure what the fascination with licking is lately... but it was really funny.
As we wrapped up dinner we started smelling something foul coming from Andrew's vicinity. I started walking back to the car with him and discovered a nice big wet spot in front of his pants from a major explosion he'd had during dinner. He walked the 5 blocks back to the car with his legs wide open trying not to bring them together. I was laughing so hard I could barely walk.
Fortunately the weather is so finicky right now, we had two different outfits in the car for him to change into.
Our last stop before we headed home was Chrissy Field. We ran along the beach, played in the sand, and checked out the sunset.
We ended the night after Andrew fell off a bench and did a face plant onto the concrete. He talked about his "boo boo" the entire drive home.
If I could choose, I'd be spending Memorial Day in SF too! What a beautiful city... especially when the weather is warm and sunny!