
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekend Project

Our poor kids never got to leave the house on Saturday. We spent Saturday cleaning the house, organizing, and moving furniture. We are selling our big old TV and several other pieces that go with it and we got a new flatscreen that goes above the mantle.

Here's what our house looked like with the old set up

old set up

old set up

Here's how it looks with the new set up. Disregard the junk on the shelves. They are now clutter free, but I never snapped another photo.

With the giant TV and speakers gone and the couches moved we now have way more space in our family room.

I am having fun brainstorming what to eventually do in the new big empty space by the windows. I feel like the family room is a completely different space. Re-organizing is so fun! If only I could get myself motivated to finish re-organizing the garage, spare room, and my closet! (hopefully this week)

I am also brainstorming all of the things I will do with the windows once Ryan pulls all the blinds down. I am secretly hoping he does it sooner rather than later... our blinds are HIDEOUS.

Do you have a window treatment that you like for over sliding glass doors? I need ideas!

In other news... if anyone wants a treadmill... I am selling mine. It has been used maybe 6 times. I will agree that it was a bad investment. I'd much rather run outside in the beautiful CA weather than inside.


Jenny said...

Looks awesome! We have those same blinds on our sliding glass doors...they drive me nuts too! Hopefully you find a good solution and then I can copy you :)

sj2002 said...

Wow! Looks fantastic. So much bigger! I love my french doors that have the blinds inside the glass. Great for kids.