Dan & Elise w/ their wheat and diet Coke (the staff of life :))
Kev & Andrew
Scott's groomsmen
Mom, Grandma Brown, and Aunt Laurel
Introducing, Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Smith...
Playing with Jocelyn (Cat's cute niece)
Smith Family
The Smith girls
The guys
Cat's brother, wife, and cute Jocelyn
The Peers Family
After all the photo taking, the Smith clan (+ some friends/family) headed off to Fentons Creamery for some food and treats. Andrew was VERY excited about what we ordered.
After some yummy food/ice cream, we headed off on an adventure to find Cat's house in Lafayette and attend the wedding reception...
Fun pics! I love that you went to Fenton's. That's our family's favorite after-temple treat. I'm glad you got the caramel sauce on your ice cream, it's the best anywhere.
we definitely need to meet up at Fenton's again soon. Yum.
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