Charlotte's Webb has always been one of my favorite books.
It's such a great book to read aloud to kids too!
It's such a great book to read aloud to kids too!

William Bentley is a fascinating guy and a great photographer. This book inspired me to be creative and work hard on things that are challenging.

The Most Beautiful Place in the World made me want to go visit Guatemala. The imagery in the book was fabulous. The story is definitely inspiring as well.

By the Great Horn Spoon is a fun fictional story about the California gold rush. Sid Fleischman is a great author and I think now I'm going to try and read some more of his books.

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson had a beautiful message. It reminded me that everyone can make a difference in the world. The main character, Shirley Temple Wong, was darling and portrayed the struggles of a little girl who moved to America from China in the 1940s.

Journey to Ellis Island is a great book to read if you want to learn about Ellis Island and immigration to America in a simple way. It made me sad that in all of my years living in NJ, I don't think I ever went to Ellis Island.

Louis Braille was an incredible person. It was amazing to read the challenges he went through to help blind people be able to read.

Ruby Bridges was an amazing little girl. I was so impressed with her courage. Every day as she walked to school she prayed for the people who hated her and were mean to her family. She is a champion for rights for all people. I love her foundation's slogan, "racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it."

My new goal is to work harder at finding good books to read to Andrew. I tend to be really picky with the books I choose. I can't get books from the library because they will never be returned (just ask BYU, it took me several years to get my diploma due to library fines :)).
If you have any suggestions of favorite books for 1-4 year olds, please pass them along! I love books that are funny for kids and adults. These are my two favorites that are great to read aloud and for some reason I think they are hysterical too. I would definitely recommend buying them!

I loved "By the Great Horn Spoon" ! I read that in elementary school and just remembered it the other day. So fun!
Another one my tutee and I just read together was "My Father's Dragon." Love that one!
my friend jen was an elementary school teacher before she had kids and just blogged the other day about her favorite books for her 2 year olds, she had some good ones in there. here's the link:
Jenny- That was a great post that Jen did. Thanks for the link!! reminded me that I should go book shopping in my storage unit :) I already have most of those from my classroom. I need more space in this apt. for books...and a lot of other stuff I miss!
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