
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Caffee House

When you visit the Caffee house... you must wear sunglasses like Uncle Dan and Aunt Elise.

Andrew had fun trying to fit in. Elise shared her cheap sunglasses with the crazy little dude.

We had a brief overnight stay with The Caffee family this week. The little man had fun reading stories with Aunt Elise and Maddie.

Eating some of Elise's 100 Calorie pack cookies...

Hanging out in Maddie's bumbo chair (little man's legs actually fit now... they didn't when he was shorter and chunkier... but his little bum still gets stuck every time)

Andrew also loved hanging out with Baby Maddie and rocking her in her swing, pushing her in her bouncy chair, and gently touching her head. He had fun playing peek-a-boo with her too and trying to make her smile. She is beautiful!

I loved chatting with Maddie, changing a few diapers, and playing with her. We are sad our trip was so short!

Hopefully we'll be back out to see the cutie again soon!

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