We did more dress up.
Played with Model Magic... my new favorite thing. It isn't messy like playdough, doesn't stick to fabric and carpet, and Andrew doesn't try to eat it. Yay! It also bounces really high when you make it into a ball.

More dress up
Read a few stories about fall and fall objects- leaves, acorns, apples, etc. Colored cute leveled reading books from one of my favorite printable book websites, ReadingAtoZ.
More fun with costumes...
We sang lots and lots of songs... they liked holding their monkeys and buses and dancing around when we sang "Wheels on the Bus" and "5 Little Monkeys."
Can you tell Andrew liked dressing up?
We read even more stories and played our little musical tambourines.
The two hours flew by quickly... I was exhausted when we were done! Keeping this age group engaged for 2 hrs means you need a new activity every 5-10 minutes.
It was fun to try out a few ideas... some bombed, some went well. My favorite thing was the "magic blanket" and eating snacks during story time. I told all the kids to come to the "magic blanket" for story time and they all came (with some coaxing from my "assistant"). I was shocked. We ate snacks and read a story or two. They actually paid attention for a little bit and stayed together as a group... and then one or two started running around again.
Singing time went well too. Some of the kids were even doing the actions for Wheels on the Bus.
I love watching the kids interact and copy each other. This little class is becoming a highlight of my week (other than the fact that I am allergic to the cat at the house where we hold it... so I sneeze all day while I am there and all day after I leave).
So sad we'll be moving soon. :( Andrew is going to miss his little friends. I am really excited for my "morning off" next Tuesday! I will miss that too!
Looks like you guys are having fun. I've been wanting to start a group around here with Brody's friends. Do you have any suggestions on where to find lesson stuff or did you make them up yourself?
I found most of the stuff online at different preschool websites. There are tons... some are lame, some are good. I also went to the teacher supply store.
Some of the websites I like to get ideas are:
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