
Monday, February 1, 2010

Train Throwing Man

This morning after making our Train-O-Love we were in full train loving mode and the little man thought it was cool to start launching his trains off the kitchen table and throwing them onto floor, at the windows, etc. (not sure where he came up with that way to "love" his trains). Since I didn't want my windows broken or floor dented, but also didn't want to be the "no! mom" that squelched his creativity (I do that too often), we moved the throwing to a safer place and channeled his energy a little differently. If I had a padded room, that's where we would've gone, bus alas, we don't... yet.

I set up a pillow target zone and we just launched trains off the couch at the target. It worked great because little man completely forgot about how cool it was to listen to the trains hit the wood floor and windows and I didn't feel like I had to say "no" too many times. I love it when an easy replacement behavior is successful.

Ommm!- yoga man

Sometimes throwing trains is even better when I get to run around without my clothes...

Telling mom all about how the trains CRASHED!

Sneaky boy is starting his little stripper routine... time to go get dressed again.

We had such a fun morning. This little guy really makes me smile.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I love his coy little smile during the stripper routine... haha what a cutie!