Kevin and I have been having a good time lately scouring the real estate websites checking out houses- especially the foreclosed ones, since there are so many. We haven't found any that we like yet, but it's fun to look. We went and toured a few on Tuesday night. They were fascinating. It is always interesting to see what other people pick to put in their houses- especially people who have really no clue about what would be useful... and are just looking to flip the house quickly. One of the houses we checked out appeared to have a really weird floor plan, and after some discussion with the realtor, we all determined that something shady (and most likely, illegal) had been going on in the house. Definitely keeps things entertaining!
I have learned a lot about things I DON'T want to have in a house:
1. Single sink in the master bathroom (would not be good for our marriage... I tend to like to spread my stuff out all over :))

2. Backyard that is all patio/concrete and no lawn- it definitely would be easier to maintain, but I love grass... and Kev is good at the whole lawn mowing/edge trimming thing :)
3. Ugly front of the house (most likely I'll have to compromise on this one since the Nor Cal home style (especially the 60/70s style in our area), is NOT my favorite). I seriously have never seen so many ugly houses in my whole life as we've started looking at real estate lately!

I don't think we're overly picky... so it'll be fun to see what we wind up with. The overall goal is MORE SPACE for the little man's stuff, more places for him to roam, and a place for me to put my stuff (besides my car- which looks like quiet a disaster lately!). Our little condo will last us awhile longer, but it'll be nice to find something bigger, despite the downside of a bit larger monthly mortgage than we currently pay. Wish us luck!
after househunting for the last 3 months, i couldn't agree with you more. and i'm on the east coast, you'd think all of the houses would be lovely. but no, can we say rambler? yuck! good luck smithkirks!
i am with you on all of those! we like to look for a big living room too since that's where we spend most of our time. the houses out here really are SO ugly!!
SOSOSOSOSO sad. You better stay around the area!!! You should move next door to me ;)
I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! I have also never understood why anyone would build a house with only 1 bathroom. You always need at least 2 bathrooms. It is just crazy! I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck!!
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