But, if all goes well with the inspections in the next few weeks, this beautiful place will be ours.

We are set to close at the end of September and move in closer to the end of October.
We are excited and sad at the same time.
Excited because we will have more space, and a great neighborhood... and sad because we'll be moving a little further away from a lot of our good friends. Hopefully things will go smoothly. We will finally have a guest room though, so plan to come visit anytime!
More pictures to come when I have time to post them.
Congrats. But...why are all of our friends defecting to Danville???
Very cool! Looks like a beautiful place (we found it on a realty site with more pics). Hope everything goes well!
Looks like a great place - how exciting!!!
Oh! I am so sad for me that you are moving. That's a very selfish initial reaction. I knew the day was coming but somehow lived in denial thinking you would search and search forever. But that is a GORGEOUS house and Danville is so nice!!! You have arrived! Just make sure you come back and visit a lot and keep blogging. Congrats and I hope all the closing stuff goes smoothly!
The house is beautiful and Danville is great place to live. Congratulations on having more space for Andrew to run around, space is a wonderful thing. We're excited for you.
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