I eventually gave up trying to make him take a nap.
Of course he fell asleep on the 15 minute drive to Google. Fortunately he's almost always happy after a quick cat nap.
We went into Kev's office to see his new cube and check out Andrew's favorite part of Google- the big bouncy balls. He probably would've been happy skipping the party, he loves them so much.
After getting all signed in, we headed off to the festivities.
Since it was not raining this year, there were tons of people... unlike last year's wet event.
There were lots of caramel apples and several different types of sugar cookies. The cookies were much better than last year's cookies, so I was happy. :)
Little man loved the hugeness of the pumpkin cookie, but wasn't too interested in eating any of the treats.
Kevin eating treats while Andrew people-watched... He loved anytime he saw an Elmo. There were several. I am glad we nixed that idea and went with the pirate costume.
The water all around at the buildings was the coolest thing to Andrew. I had to watch him carefully or this little pirate would've walked the plank and jumped in.
Showing off his sword fighting skills for the ladies
Holding Kevin hostage until he would give up some caramel apple
Andrew's favorite station this year was the coloring station. He was mostly intrigued with the crayons. I think we came home with 3 boxes of Halloween crayons. Surprisingly I don't think he bit the heads off any of them.
Caught red-handed stealing another box of crayons... guess that's what pirates do?
We finally tore him away from the coloring to go check out the Kiddie Kaleidoscope show.
Here are a few of his dance moves/poses.
His new form of dancing includes jumping... he actually got air on one foot
Relaxing with dad
The party was huge this year, but a lot of fun. Andrew eventually got tired and said "all done" so we headed home.
This is him about 5 minutes after we left Google.

Must've been a fun party!