We got this cool thing called the TED 5000 (partnered with Google's PowerMeter) about a month ago and I think we are a bit addicted.

We can monitor our electricity usage in real-time and don't have to wait for our monthly bill to know how high it will be. Kevin can even see how much energy we're using by logging on at work... I got a phone call the day I was baking ALL day and the wattage was insanely high and Kev was like, "what have you been doing today?"
I have definitely gotten much better at turning off lights in rooms I'm not in after seeing the daily usage change dramatically.
I would definitely recommend checking it out if you're a nerd like us or want to save $$ on your electricity bill. Kevin has now flipped on and off every item in our house so he knows what guzzles the most $$. Obviously we live very exciting lives. ;)
That's awesome. Let me know how long it takes to recoup the original cost I'd be interested to see how worth it the device is. I'd totally be addicted too
Kevin knows that by contract, he has to get me one sooner rather than later. Now would be good.
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