The youth were performing a great musical number and Andrew wanted to join in LOUDLY. Bribery didn't work. I repeated the clapping hand over his mouth followed by screaming thing a few times until I realized I wasn't winning. By then he thought we were playing a game.
I've discovered lately that I win less and less with this kid. My serious face when he's done something wrong results in laughing/giggles... Cat/Jess/Scott??? I think you may have had some part in this. "Serious face?"
On Friday Andrew threw water at me because he wanted juice, not water. I told him "no, we don't throw water at mommy" while giving my best teacher "evil eye" sort of look. I think I've lost my gift... he just started giggling. I used to make little kids cringe and cry with that look. I tried to stare him down... but then I lost it too. I just sat on the floor laughing.
Same thing happened tonight. I think I've lost all control of the little man and myself. :)
The joy of having a two year old!
This makes me laugh bc Max is SO loud too! He is mortifying during sacrament meeting--lots of loud animal sounds!
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