When we played basketball and I didn't make the shot he'd say, "almost." He even will pass me the ball and say "your turn." He has such a sweet little generous personality (at least with adults).
We also practiced his letters, colors and shapes. I love it that he's got "oval" down, but not square. He surprised me and identified letters p, i, and k... in addition to a few others that he knows. I try really hard not to give him little letter/sounds assessments... but it is ingrained. I am such a nerd. I'm sure he'll forget it all by the time he actually goes to kindergarten. I loved doing assessments as part of my job though. Poor Andrew!
It also made me laugh to watch the little guy do "the hang" at the park. I think he can already beat my time from the Presidential Physical Fitness competition that I did in 5th grade. I had such weak arms. It looks like he may take after his dad with that sort of stuff-- or so I hope.
Hanging out all day with the little guy made me smile. Even the huge headache I had by 7:30 when Kevin got home still made me happy. I feel so blessed to get to spend each day with such a precious little kid! His personality is so entertaining. On our run today he saw a man far up ahead and just kept yelling, "HELLO! HELLO" again and again, hoping the guy would turn around and see him. I love his friendliness, fearlessness, and genuine happiness all the time.
If I were to pick just one New Years Resolution this year, it would probably be to try and be more like him-- optimistic, generous, loving, and friendly. It is amazing how much you can learn from little kids!
You are such a good mom. We really miss having "Max's friend Andrew" closeby. They would've been the perfect little buddies!
I love that he says "almost" when you wouldn't make the shot. What a cutie! His face is priceless in the hanging picture. Its like "What? I'm hanging. Do you have a problem with that?"
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