6:30- try to wake up
7:00- actually wake up because I had turned off my alarm, get ready really quickly
7:40- leave for Palo Alto with Kevin & Andrew... sit in traffic for far too long (this is why Kevin commutes and I do not)
8:55- arrive at Google and drop off Kevin & Andrew so that they can get breakfast... and have some fun together

then drive to Escondido (my old school in Palo Alto)... waited in traffic again for FAR TOO LONG!
9:20- arrive at 5th grade graduation (after walking a mile from my car parked down the street, btw, graduation started at 9am)
9:40- take lots of cute pictures with my handsome boys and old staff, see here
9:45- race to Google to pick up Andrew before Kevin's 10am mtg. sit in more traffic... and arrive late :(
10:10- pick Andrew up at Google and head to Mitchell Park
10:25- Meet Liz, Grace, and George at Mitchell Park for water fun!
George and Andrew kept us entertained by fighting over their "territory" (this sprinkler head)
They were also cute little exploring buddies together
12:10- Head to Diddams to buy fun graduation gifts for my former students (since I wasn't organized enough to have them at Graduation to give to them then)
12:30- Speed lunch in the car at Jack in the Box!
12:45- Drop off gifts for former students at Escondido, visit teachers, and play on the playground
1:30- Quick visit to the teacher I coached this year at another school
2:00- Drop off materials at a different school across town and then finally drive home!
2:55- Arrive home and put Andrew down for a nap
3:00- Check email and then put myself down for a nap!
5:00- Today I love Andrew more than normal because he let me sleep for sooo long! I woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck though. A bite of a Sprinkles cupcake helped me get over that feeling pretty quickly.
5:05- Lots of fun toddler activities with ramps and water painting and then had outside time
6:00- Attempt to do "dancing"... but then Andrew felt conflicted and threw a tantrum about whether he wanted to dance or not. Resolved the problem with a popsicle and lots and lots of food for dinner. He was obviously just hungry. He ate for a long time.
7:00- Kevin got home and the boys had bonding time (fed the fish, read stories, ran around). I sat on the couch, relaxed, and chatted with Elise.
7:50- Kickboxing while Kev put Andrew to bed
8:50- TV time and relaxing!
I think I'll be ready for bed by 10:30 or earlier! So tired!
1 comment:
you're amazing. when i have one thing going for the day i am booked :) those sprinkles cupcakes were so delicious and totally made my week. thanks so much!
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