
Thursday, June 16, 2011


Scott is in town this week at a conference in Santa Clara. We took him with us to Happy Hollow this afternoon for some fun in the sun. Unfortunately, after the excitement of Legoland last week... Happy Hollow wasn't so happy today... and was a bit of a letdown for this little guy. He even said to me, "this isn't a real fire truck mom!"

He snapped out of his grumpy mood when Scotter played with him on the giant play structure...

Scott also took him on his first roller coaster ride ever. Andrew was really excited... until the roller coaster started moving :)

If you zoom in, you can see the serious concerned look on his face. He kept saying "too fast, too fast" to Scott... but at the end he bragged to me about how much fun it was and how he went on a roller coaster!

We finished up the afternoon with popsicles, a few more rides, and some playtime with Cate.

If you've been to Happy Hollow, you know that the walk to the entrance is like a mile away from the parking lot. I'm not quite sure who designed the park... but obviously not a parent of a 3-year-old. The end of our park time was also not so happy. A tantruming, crying, hot toddler who wouldn't ride in the stroller plus crying baby who wanted to be held by me (and only me)... Scott & I thought we were a pretty comical sight as we left.

Fortunately, ice cream makes everything better.

We met up with Aunt Jessie at Loard's in Sunnyvale and ate lots of rainbow and orange sherbet. Mmm!

We ended the night with dinner at Google. Cate looked especially stylish with her sunscreen coated hair ;) I told Andrew that Caitlin had turned into a unicorn. We both had a good laugh.

Hanging out with Scott and Jess is always the perfect way to spend a day!

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