
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Names & Preschool

We've spent a lot of time spelling and learning about names. If you want to read my whole schpeil about why that is important... you can go here... I won't bore you with it on this blog. On Sunday we did a simple name activity. When I picked Andrew up at preschool today I was so excited  to discover this little paper (below) in his bag. He had gone to the art center during choice time without any adult prompting and worked on writing his name.

He was SO PROUD of himself. I was just amazed that the letter A looks like an A... since he wasn't even looking at something when he was writing... and I never really have him write/trace letters that much. I'm worried his kindergarten teacher will hate me because I taught him wrong.

I love how proud he is of both of his names. When he arrived at school today he announced to all of his teachers that his name was "Andrew Allen Buskirk!" They had a good laugh, since they all know who he is... but thought it was cute that he loved saying his whole name so much.

Andrew is the sort of kid who goes to a class or school and always is playing in the sand or riding bikes... but never does the craft or art project if it is an option.

I love that that is changing a little bit.

I also love hearing from other moms and his teacher about his school personality when we're not around. It has been nice to hear that he actually stays with the group during whole group time, participates in all of the activities, and his teacher says that he is especially involved during music time. His teacher's email to me last week talked about what an enthusiastic singer he is :)

This week they are reading different versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears at preschool. Today they read Somebody and the Three Blairs... I have never read it, but Andrew cracks up every time I ask him about it, so it must be a good book.

It is so fun to have someone else exposing him to new books and information (besides me)... and so exciting that he can come home and tell me about it! I was super sad at the end of August for preschool to start, but now I love it! I literally get next to nothing done while Andrew is gone, but today I got a lot of snuggle time in with Cate (she was a grumpy, teething, leaky faucet all day) and managed to get the dishes done... so it was mostly successful.

The other part of preschool that I hadn't even thought of was the social component for me. I love dropping Andrew off at school (there isn't a carpool line- ugh!) and originally I was annoyed about it... but now I know several moms and have such a good time chatting with them (and his teacher) at drop off and then again when we all arrive 5 minutes early for pick up.

We have our first preschool social activities this week (a Back to School Mom's coffee tomorrow morning and a Back to School BBQ on Saturday)... and I am stoked. The Social Committee that I am on even hosts a Daddy's Bowl later in the year... (bowling for kids + dads)... so cute!

We have our first general meeting next week though from 7-10pm... so ask me if I am still as enthusiastic about preschool after I have to sit through the long night :)

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