We had some good times at our little condo, so the good-bye was bittersweet. The place looked so spiffy. Here are a few pics to show how we left the place.
Ahh... I'm already missing my beautiful granite countertops. Formica is not my favorite surface. Our new rental doesn't have a dishwasher, microwave, or an oven w/ a timer... things I've come to appreciate more this week... and possibly good motivators to move out of here sooner rather than later.
I will miss my bathroom. Everytime I was in there I thought about all the fun times Kevin and I (mostly Kevin) had destroying the bathroom. I also loved my huge bathroom mirrors and double sinks. Another silly thing I will miss is our toilet. The thing was a powerhouse. It could flush 18 golf balls. We had a lot of fun deciding on which one to buy. :)
Our bedroom looks so small compared to our new bedroom at the duplex. I loved our plantation shutters though.... and flatscreen tv on the wall (which we sold to the new owner). I also loved the his and hers closets... although our new ones are much bigger and feel somewhat empty!! Yay! I guess it's time to buy some new clothes :)
This room is where I spent the most time during the past 3.5 years. Pretty much every significant moment in Andrew's life occurred in this room (rolling, crawling, walking, talking). I can't really dwell on this move too much or I'll get teary-eyed. It was time to move on... and we're excited to see where this next stage of our life will take us.
Here are a few pics of our new place. It'll be interesting to see how long we stay here. For now we are considering it as a temporary home. We are leasing the duplex from month-to-month.
Our new street... Alice Drive.

The front of our little duplex. I still need to hang our wreath on the door.

The side of our place. Andrew loves to take out the trash and then run along the side of the house and play with the rocks.
We also have a little backyard/patio. The landlord will probably be putting grass in for us soon around the concrete. This will be much better than the dirt/rock pile... although Andrew LOVES all the rocks!
He also loves the hose. We're going to get a baby pool soon so he can play around and stay cool in the heat.
Here is the tour of the inside of our new place.
Living room- the fireplace is still a little bit of a child-proofing hazard... hence the box in front of it. This morning Andrew stuck his foot around the box and into the fireplace and tried to run around with a soot covered foot. He always manages to keep things interesting.
Living room/kitchen area... yay, we can finally set up our kitchen table!
Another view of the living room... can anyone guess what we're watching?
Our bedroom... such a bigger place! Kevin is so happy to finally have his dresser back. We've been sharing a small dresser for about 6 months. We each only had 3 drawers.
Bathroom- not awful.
Laundry room- Possibly my favorite place in the house. I am SO EXCITED to have a full sized w/d and storage space above them!
Our office and guest room.
Andrew's room- His crib didn't fit through any of the doors, so Kev had to take it apart and reconstruct it. Andrew loves the butterfly border around his room and I love his closet... I will be using it for a lot of my work stuff :)
That is our new place for a few months! We're excited to make a lot of new memories here! Come visit anytime.