
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ketchup Addiction

I always thought that kids had favorite foods.... Andrew doesn't though. Instead, he has a favorite condiment. As long as what he is eating has ketchup on it he is happy. He almost gets as excited when he sees the ketchup bottle as he does when he sees a dog or chocolate.

The kid is crazy.

I love this footage from lunch today. Although I think hot dogs are disgusting, he likes them... especially if they have ketchup. In this video he is practicing his dipping. I love how fun he thinks it is.

After the ketchup fun he always manages to wipe his hands in his eyes and then screams. Not my favorite part, so I skipped video taping that. :)

1 comment:

delikk said...

Ketchup is the best thing for young kids. My nieces & nephews were always obsessed with 'dip', aka Ketchup. He's so cute!!