Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha is a new favorite book at our house. Andrew likes the part when I say, "Is the trash truck full yet?" and he gets to yell, "NO!"

Tonight little man got to help Kevin take out the trash. We are trying to brain wash him early to think this is a cool job... so that I can ensure I will never have to take out the trash again.

The big boy wanted to carry two trash cans and was pretty proud of himself.

As you can see by this picture, the brainwashing seems to be working.
Next stop, the front window at 9am to watch the trash truck come!
His future wife will thank you for this one day!
Happy Trash Day, Andrew! I'm glad you enjoy Trashy Town.
so cute. yes, keep that interest sparked!
avy loves to help with recycling. she has a bright tree-hugger future ahead of her.
I started this same thing with Carson around the same age after we threw his pacifier away in the garbage....two years later...we're still watching the garbage man, and he knows our names. Not to mention, the "garbage" (mounds of random toys) that is collected daily or more at our house. Be careful what you wish for:)
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