1. The Paci fairy thing worked like a charm. Andrew hasn't mentioned his pacifier since the day after we took it away. Obviously I underestimated him. I was picturing nights of tortured sleep and crying.

2. He finally might actually be able to go to nursery (toddler class at church) and stay alone. He was fine when we moved up here, but then they changed the schedule in his class in January and he has been a basket case ever since. Now they only play with toys during the last hour... so when we leave him, there's nothing to distract him except coloring and puzzles. That doesn't cut it. We finally left him crying like a maniac 2 weeks ago. After 20 minutes or so he stopped and was fine the rest of the time. Last week he walked to the door by himself and went in... the teacher gave me a thumbs up from down the hall and I didn't even say goodbye to him (didn't want to ruin it). He was great for two hours and didn't miss me.
3. We bought one of these and he uses it once or twice a day.

I am not someone who rests her self-esteem on when her kid potty trains. I would been fine if he didn't care about this stuff til he was 3 1/2 or 4. In fact, I'm still trying to push it off... but he's not letting me. I think he's too immature. He might prove me wrong again, we'll see.

4. Little dude can really jump up and down now. He did a half jumping thing for awhile and now he's been doing this great for a few months. I think it is really cute... except when he jumps off the bed (like he did today) and gets a new scar on his face.

5. He can count to 10. I am still working on getting it on video. Whenever I bring the camera out, he stops counting and doesn't want to do it. He doesn't know what he is doing really, and obviously doesn't have 1:1 correspondence yet, but it is cute to listen to.
Some of the things we're working on are...
1. Being a little quieter in church and staying in the room the whole time. This will be a challenge. Last Sunday during the Sacrament prayer he started yelling, "BLESS JESUS!" at the top of his lungs. After every hymn he yells, "YAYAYAYAY! and claps," when the boys bring the sacrament he says "Thank you!" in his loudest voice and when they walk away he yells, "boys walking!!"
2. Not using everything as a drum. Our wood floors now have little holes all over them from his various drum sticks. He likes to drum everywhere except on the drums.
3. Drinking from a cup. He can do it... but it is cooler to pour the whole drink out and watch it spill everywhere.

4. Eating foods other than hot dogs, chicken nuggets, cheese, and grilled cheese. He'd be fine if he could just eat "chocolate eggs" all day too. Hmmm... who do you think he takes after? :)
5. Letting us shampoo his hair or wash his face without it sounding like we are torturing him.
6. Choosing a new favorite word to substitute for "MINE!" It might be a year or two until that happens though.
I hope that when we are blessed with other kids they will be as entertaining to us as Andrew!
Our boys sound very similar! I'm glad to hear that other families have boys that make Sacrament challenging! It seems like all the other kids in our ward are angels and then you have Blake who starts yelling "Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse, where are you?"
right in the middle of a speaker's talk and they basically get thrown off and stop talking!
This cracked me up! Kyle and him sound like twins! Everything is a drum, including the milk carton at breakfast. He used to be awesome during church but with sacrament meeting at one it is a dangerous time!!
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