This year marked our third annual trip to Googleween. It is so fun to see how much bigger Andrew is now. Check him out his
first year and
second year.
We started off the day by picking Aunt Jessie up and then heading over to Kevin's building to show Andrew off to some of Kev's co-workers.
Getting decked out in his pirate gear

Trying to scare Aunt Jessie with his hook
Then we headed over to the main event across campus. Our first stop (after getting lots and lots of kettle corn) was the Android table. Android was decked out a Count Dracula... and we got to take one home.
The pumpkin patch was full of cute pumpkins for "picking"
They had the good sugar cookies again... and Andrew went to town on them- he loved the ghost and moon cookies the best.
I tried to get some cute photos on the hay bales... but there was Beatles music playing... so Andrew was distracted. We were expecting the "Monster Mash" or other Halloween music favorites... but nope, we got the Beatles. Guess who was really excited about that? (not that you can tell in this picture)
They had an area full of blow up things and there were people passing out candy and prizes. Andrew thought the spiders were pretty awesome.
There were also spider webs everywhere...
The tall man on stilts gave Andrew a high five
There were guys walking around with hot apple cider containers strapped to their backs... we had to do some sampling.
The hot spot of the party was the reptile area.
Kimodo dragon? Little dude had no fear.
Jessie and I thought the reptiles were fake... nope, not so much.
Kev even braved wearing the boa constrictor. Eeek!
Once we'd seen the reptiles, Andrew enjoyed savoring his yellow moon sugar cookie and of course getting Kevin's shirt totally covered in yellowness :) For some reason whenever he is messy... he is like a magnet towards Kevin. I love it ;)
We also decorated a pumpkin with foam stickers. I am loving this new trend. I don't think I plan to ever paint a pumpkin again with kids. The foam stickers are so much less messy and you can move them around if you mess up and hate what you did.
Hugging his newest creation
We ended the afternoon with a little rest on the hay bales while we finished up our treats.
Little dude loved throwing hay and getting it all over his pants
(his costume got scrapped about 10 min into the party... Jessie, Kevin, and I were each carrying parts of it as he stripped down- good thing there were 3 of us :))
Andrew was so happy his buddy Aunt Jessie got to come with us
Happy Googleween 2010!