Just in case you were worried that I wouldn't have enough documentation our first ever camping trip with Andrew... rest assured :) Pretty much every moment is now photographed for posterity.
Yesterday evening we headed up to Mt. Diablo with
Corene, Rick, and Athen. We arrived before the sun went down and explored the campsite, climbed some rocks, and then set up camp before it got dark.
Andrew was super excited that he got his very own tent. In fact, he had two tents (a tent w/in a tent)... and spent the whole trip talking about how he got to sleep in two tents.

We enjoyed a delicious dinner put together by the Binghams and we sat around and talked and then ate tasty treats.
Hanging out by the fire
Little dude loved wandering around with the headlamp on and checking out all the bugs that come out at night-- especially moths, beetles, and some grasshopper like things.
He also serenaded us with Beatles music and turned several large sticks into pretend guitars for his jam sessions.

My handsome hubby getting everything all set up... while I sat around and chatted with Corene.
Corene brought the biggest marshmallows I have ever seen for s'mores. I was worried Andrew would never go to sleep and be hyper all night from the sugar... but the newness of camping made him completely hyper all night anyway... so it didn't matter. Little dude couldn't sit still, he was SO EXCITED to be camping!
The s'mores were delish!
It started getting later and later I was worried that we might have a meltdown from the little man, so we got him all bundled up in warm sweatpants and a sweatshirt and got him all situated in his peapod tent. Before he went into the tent he started saying he wanted to get in the car and drive home, so I was worried that he wouldn't go to sleep... but after we kissed him goodnight we never heard from him again until the morning. Athen went to sleep right away too. We were amazed. Must've been all that camping air and running around!
After the kiddos went to bed, we stayed up playing games and eating treats until after midnight. It was so fun! I was amazed (considering how loud we were being) that none of the kids ever woke up.
I had a reasonably good sleep for being so pregnant and actually was really comfortable... but then couldn't fall asleep for awhile anyway (maybe it was the insanely loud crickets?). Eventually I did though... and we all woke up around 7am- much later than I was expecting! At girls camp last year the girls woke up before 6am each day, so this camping trip was a treat. I am definitely a fan of sleeping in a tent. The bathrooms at the campground were amazing too (for camping bathrooms). They were clean, had TP, and were not far away from our campsite- perfect for a pregnant lady!
Little dude woke up SO HAPPY, super excited to still be camping, and even more stoked that there were bugs flying around our tent that he could check out! He even kicked me out of my bed.
We spent the morning climbing around. Andrew LOVED Rick and had fun hiking and climbing on the rocks and trees with him and Athen while Kevin & I got breakfast ready.
I am the king of the mountain!
The grillmaster made loads of yummy pancakes and I made scrambled eggs with cheese.
This pic was taken about 5 minutes before Andrew fell forward off the chair and his entire breakfast landed on the ground. It was really funny.
Our campsite was in the perfect location... right near some cool rock formations with caves. This was where Andrew wanted to be all the time.
The weather on our trip was amazing... just a little chilly at night and then got warmer and warmer this morning. Perfect camping weather!
Little man helping take down camp
Then the guys did even more climbing
Andrew thought it was so cool to be up in the tree with Athen and Rick
Although Kevin liked teasing me before we left that I was pretty much bringing our entire house camping with us... we didn't really forget anything and we were completely comfortable... so all my overpacking was worth it!
After we packed up camp, we went hiking up the Summit Trail and discovered the Rock City trail that Kevin has been wanting to explore.
We found massive pine cones... and tons and tons of poison oak (I am praying none of us get it)
more caves
Athen was such an adorable little explorer and crashed in the backpack once we got going.
Andrew and Kevin climbed high up into rock crevices and had the best time. We will definitely be coming back again!
Proof that I went camping in my large and in charge pregnant state :) Notice my hugely red face. This was taken after over an hour of hiking uphill... sometimes carrying Andrew. He didn't really buy the "Mommy's already carrying baby Caitlin so she can't carry you" line we kept trying to give him... especially after he had a little fall.
Athen passed out before we got to Rock City- so cute!
The boys
We only had one or two cranky toddler points on our hike (which ended up being about an hour and a half or so)... but Corene (or "Kareem" or "Cream" as Andrew likes to call her) was able to turn Andrew's frown upside down with a few of Athen's yogurt melts.
before the yogurt melts

After our big hike, we had lunch and the boys goofed around on the trees. The camping area was a toddler's dream come true.
We headed home close to 2pm and Kevin spent the ENTIRE drive singing and banging things in Andrew's face so that he would stay awake. Andrew kept trying to close his eyes... he was so tired...but our house was only 20 min away. Once we got home and showered, Andrew and I both took naps. The little dude was so wiped out he slept for THREE hours!
What a fun trip! I am already excited to go camping next summer! Andrew is at such a perfect age to be such a great little camper... especially because camping involves many of his favorite things- bugs, birds, sticks, rocks, and dirt!
Thanks Binghams for such an awesome trip!!