Can I reiterate how much I love California? Especially when it is this beautiful in January. Last January was not as gorgeous. We are making sure to take advantage of every second and play outside a lot!
We made it to our first park of the day this morning. Caitlin napped in the stroller while Andrew came up with all sorts of crazy games for us to play together. Beach volleyball is his current favorite. We used a jungle gym as our net and a small basketball as our volleyball.

We also played slide skeeball and baseball (with his small basketball). He actually made contact with the ball several times. I was amazed. Maybe he'll skip t-ball and move straight to baseball!
We came home and headed to our neighbor's house for a lunch playdate. The kiddos made their own pizzas.
Andrew basically grabbed all of the cheese (for everyone's pizza) and put it all on his pizza. He is a cheese lover just like me. :)
Crazy pizza chefs!
Sampling the goods
While little dude napped, Caitlin and I did some tummy time. She actually lifted her head up a bit to check herself out in the mirror. She's usually not a fan of tummy time and just lies down and licks the blanket.
My little cutie pie with crazy hair!
Our late afternoon adventure included a trip to a different park. I snapped pics of Caitlin while Andrew roamed around and tried to give me a heart attack by climbing high things.
Finding her yummy fingers...
So excited to be getting so much attention
Trying to scare me to death
Let's just hope the Spring-like weather continues. No one can be grumpy while visiting dozens of parks with dry slides... with the sun shining !
1 comment:
I so love this weather!! George and Grace played in the backyard for 2 hours today. It was heavenly!!
I love, love, love Caitlin's crazy hair!! She is so cute!!
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